Australian Rotary Health Newsletters 2024-11-15 13:00:00Z 0
Dream Cricket Gala Day Nara Khuon 2024-11-15 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary Down Under Editions 2024-11-15 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary District 9705 Newsletters 2024-11-15 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise Supports Sony Holiday Camp at Canberra Grammar School

On Monday 9 December 2024, the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise joined forces with Canberra Grammar School to provide a barbeque lunch for the Sony Foundation’s Children’s Holiday Camp Program.
This program is a unique respite activity that sees high school and university students take on the responsibility for the care of children with disability, allowing their families to have a valuable weekend off! The program began in 1998 with one camp in one Sydney school. Since then, it has expanded to 30 camps in 50 schools and universities.
  • Sony Foundation funds 29 Sony Foundation Camps across Australia, with:
    • 50 schools and universities involved.
    • 670+ children enjoying the holiday of a lifetime. 
  • 1150+ student carers take part in a formative and eye-opening experience as a carer.
  • $1.8 million – the value of respite care provided free of charge to families every year.
The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise's Kim, Rosemary, Greg, Roger (Coordinator) and Neil were happy to lend a hand and provide the barbeque lunch for the participating Canberra Grammar School students and their special guests.
Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise Supports Sony Holiday Camp at Canberra Grammar School Greg Hood 2024-09-13 14:00:00Z 0

Rotarians and Volunteers Collaborate to Deliver Books to Papua New Guinea

A group of Club members, other Rotarians, and BbP volunteers today helped Buk Bilong Pikinini load approximately 300 boxes of donated books onto seven pallets ready for shipment to PNG. The books will be used to set up school libraries across the country. Thank you Ainslie, Kim and Ray. I hope your muscles aren't too sore.

Rotarians and Volunteers Collaborate to Deliver Books to Papua New Guinea Nara Khuon 2024-05-06 14:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise 30th Birthday Celebration 2024-04-05 13:00:00Z 0
2022-23 President Report Nara Khuon 2023-08-05 14:00:00Z 0

Planting Trees for the Queen’s Jubilee Program

The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise was successful in gaining an Australian Government Grant of $20,000 as part of the Planting Trees for The Queen’s Jubilee Program.  Rotary is committed to supporting activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance ecological sustainability, and foster harmony between communities and the environment.
On Friday 31 March, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Her Excellency Mrs Hurley joined members of the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise in planting 96 native trees and shrubs along the Molonglo River in Denman Prospect.  Also attending, were Mr David Smith MP, Federal Member for Bean, and school children and teachers from the Evelyn Scott School in Denman Prospect.  The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise put out a call for community-minded lovers of nature, who were keen to “green” Denman Prospect along the Molonglo River.  A small army of Rotary Club members and community volunteers from across Canberra were assembled to assist with the tree planting the next day on 1 April, when a further 180 trees were planted.
The Denman Prospect school students were extraordinarily enthusiastic.  Some 30 students from Years 5 and 6 with their teachers greatly assisted with the planting of trees and shrubs. 
The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise is grateful to the ACT Parks and Conservation Service for their immeasurable assistance with this activity, together with the Contractor, Regenerative Landscapes Australia, who will finalise the project.  Shortly, a total of 400 trees and shrubs will have been achieved in the Planting Trees for The Queen’s Jubilee Program.
Planting Trees for the Queen’s Jubilee Program 2023-04-24 14:00:00Z 0

Jubilee Tree Planting



As part of the Federal Government’s Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Tree Planting Program, the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise will be planting trees and shrubs along the Molonglo River at Denman Prospect – we need your help.

  • When: Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd April 2023, 10am – 3pm both days.
  • Where: We are planting beside the Molonglo River near Denman Prospect. To get here, travel to the intersection of John Gorton Drive and Holborow Avenue in Denman Prospect. Continue driving north (in the direction of Coppin’s Crossing) on John Gorton Drive for another 700m and park in the carpark on the western (left) side of the road where you will see a large Rotary sign and a volunteer pointing the way to the planting site. Please walk the 300 metres down the track.
  • What to Bring: It is recommended that you wear a light long sleeve shirt, trousers or shorts, solid footwear, sunscreen and a hat that will protect you from the sun. If possible, it would also be useful to bring gardening gloves and a mallet/hammer. Refreshments will be provided for volunteer planters, but please consider bringing your own water bottle.

Interested? If you are community minded, love nature, want to help the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise to “green” Denman Prospect along the Molonglo River, and have some spare time on the weekend of 1st and/or 2nd April, please register on our website for your preferred date, 1 April, or 2 April. You can also register additional guests after registering yourself. Any questions? Please email Rotarian

Jubilee Tree Planting 2023-02-18 13:00:00Z 0

Buk bilong Pikinini Newsletter

RC Canberra Sunrise is an active supporter of this program, which supports literacy and libraries across Papua New Guinea. Read the latest newsletter here
Buk bilong Pikinini Newsletter 2022-01-08 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary on the Move 2021-09-03 14:00:00Z 0
Back to the Future 2021-07-08 14:00:00Z 0

Upcoming Social Events

Saturday August 21:   National Sound & Film Archives - Russian Ark - Tour of the Winter Palace, St Petersburg, bookings online 2.30 p.m.
Sunday September 12: Celebration of New Rotary Year - Surveyors Hill Winery, 215 Brooklands Road, Wallaroo - from 12 middday.
Sunday October 3:  Tulip Top Gardens, Sutton - timings TBA
Thursday October 28:  Vocational Visit - ACT Woodcraft Guild - 11 a.m. - Lions Youth Haven, Kambah Pool Road, Kambah
Thursday November 4:  Dream Cricket Gala Day - Radford College 
Sunday December 12:   Xmas Lunch "The Manor" Gold Creek from 12 midday
Upcoming Social Events Judy Mack 2021-07-07 14:00:00Z 0

Sundowners Year In Review

Well the 2020-21 Rotary year has now been and gone.  It has been a significant year for our club, the Sundowners, surviving the challenges of COVID-19 and still delivering great community outcomes, great networking and friendship and new opportunities.
The Rotary International theme for 2020-21 was 'Rotary Opens Opportunities'.  We have grasped some new opportunities, one of which was to secure our first corporate member, Keane Consulting.  This has been a very positive experience for both the Keane Consulting team, who have actively supported a number of events and also for the club.  Other new opportunities that were successfully took on included our online Tupperware parties.  With the wonderful support of club friend and Tupperware hostess Steph McCorkelle, we raised over $1,200 for the End Polio Campaign late last year and then over $1,500 in May provided to the Rotary Club of Dili in supporting their community through the severe flooding in April and the aftermath of that event.  We have also tried different meeting regularity and formats to best meet member's preferences.  So its pretty clear that we took the RI theme to heart.
A few of our achievements over the last year are summarised below:
Sundowners Year In Review pnh 2021-06-30 14:00:00Z 0

Recent Speakers

We have some amazing speakers to our Club over the past few weeks.   We had one week where three new members spoke in one session of their life experiences and reasons for joining Rotary International. They were so interesting we have asked them to return as Guest Speakers for a full session in the next month or so.  We had:
Jon Stanhope spoke of his ongoing commitment to ACT prison systemStephen Trump spoke of the work done in the ACT by the Australian Red CrossKristen Pratt told us of the benefits of Nordic Walking 
Kristen Pratt of 'Tender Funerals' told us about new ways of conducting funerals.
Returned member Ian and other Club members conducted a BBQ in support of the
ACT Multicultural festival
Yohan, Sally, and Jen told us of their life achievements
Previous member Phil Basche gave us an introduction to a new program he is helping establish. 
Phil speaks of his program 'Fearless Women' who will receive mentoring and assistance to develop their lives
Jen of Galilee, a program we previously assisted, together with friends and Rotary members
Recent Speakers Peter McDermott 2021-06-27 14:00:00Z 0

Recent Inductions to the Club

Recent Inductions to the Club
We have been blessed with lots of members recently joining us - some new, some returning.  Our new members are Amardeep inducted on 22 April, and Yohan and Randal who were inducted on 27 May.  Returning members were Sally and Ian.  Sally took a break from Rotary and was re-inducted into our Club on 13 May.  Ian, founding member of our Club and past President and Past District Governor was welcomed on 24 June after transferring from his e-club.   We welcome them all and look forward to having them involved in our Club activities.
Recent Inductions to the Club Peter McDermott 2021-06-27 14:00:00Z 0
Past Member Phil Basche spoke at the Club on Thursday 24 June  PJM 2021-06-26 14:00:00Z 0

Birthing Kits Packing Event

Thirty three members of Canberra Sunrise, Canberra Sundowners and friends worked together over about 6 hours to pack 600 birthing kits destined for overseas regions where proper facilities for giving birth are not readily available.  As well as providing the people power to pack the kits, $3,000 had been raised to purchase the items, including a $500 donation from corporate sponsor Keane Consulting (  Birthing Kit Foundation Australia ( will ship these units to where they are needed, making a tremendous impact on the ground for women in need of them.
The event also provided an opportunity for a number of friends of club members and the Keane Consulting team to participate in one of our community service events, and was a lot of fun.
Birthing Kits Packing Event pnh 2021-04-10 14:00:00Z 0

Corporate Sponsorship Proving Its Value

Last year our club welcomed our first Corporate Sponsor – Keane Consulting.  Since that time, the company’s Director, Owen Keane, Melinda Keane and Sean Wood have been regular participants at Canberra Sundowner meetings and community service activities.  Both Keane Consulting and the Canberra Sundowners are finding real value in this relationship. 
For Keane Consulting, the relationship is an important string in the company’s social ethos and values.  Owen and Melinda have stated: “We are really “keen” to live our values, and this means more than simply providing financial support to those organisations we sponsor and/or donate to. This means being active members of our local, Canberra community. We want Keane Consulting to have a social conscience.”  For more information on Keane Consulting, check out their website at
For our club, the value is in having additional hands-on support (Keane’s team were involved in our Vinnies sorting day and our Street Library construction activity).  This has been supplemented by a recent $500 contribution to our forthcoming Birthing Kit packing event.  The community is the real winner out of this relationship.  
If your company has a focus on supporting the community and you would like more information on how to turn this into a reality, contact the Canberra Sundowners through Facebook: or emailing the club on
Corporate Sponsorship Proving Its Value pnh 2021-03-20 13:00:00Z 0

MUNA 2021 - no face to face event

MUNA 2021
With great disappointment, the Board of RC Canberra Sunrise has decided not to proceed with a face to face MUNA in 2021, on the basis of the risk  of proceeding with a face to face event given the continuing COVID uncertainty of what might be the conditions prevailing in August.  The Board has asked the MUNA sub-committee to explore the possibility of a ‘virtual’ MUNA. Further information will be available as soon as this possibility has been assessed.
MUNA 2021 - no face to face event 2021-03-09 13:00:00Z 0

Australian Rotary Health Facts Book

ARH has released the latest Facts Book from Australian Rotary Health.
Usually this is a hardcover book, and very few get into the hands-off those who need it. Now its available to everyone.
Read it through, skim to the parts you want, share it with others. It shows exactly what ARH does and can do. A valuable resource, from one of the jewels of Rotary in Australia.
Australian Rotary Health Facts Book 2021-03-09 13:00:00Z 0

Vinnies Clothes Sorting Event

Thanks to the awesome bunch of Sunrise and Sundowner members who worked tirelessly for over 4 hours sorting clothes at Vinnies in Mitchell today. A huge amount of clothes were sorted and will go out to the distribution centres next week. The 27 centres in Vinnies local network raise almost half of their funds used to fund their various programs to give people a hand up.
Our team managed to get through a total of 38 bags and made up 36 boxes of stock for the Vinnies Centres. This involved handling over 1100kgs of textiles that have been kept out of landfill and will raise valuable funds for their various programs.
We had a lot of fun supporting this great charity.  A great effort.
Vinnies Clothes Sorting Event pnh 2020-11-13 13:00:00Z 0
WASH Rotary Action Group Newsletter 2020-10-30 13:00:00Z 0

Virtual Tupperware Party Fund Raiser for End Polio

Our Sundowners satellite Club ran a Virtual Tupperware event over the week of 25th October.  Our tupperware hostess Steph donated her 20% commission on all sales through this activity to our End Polio Now campaign for the club. Thanks so much Steph.
There were plenty of great bargains and shoppers were busy - everyone loves a tupperware party!
The results are in.  We raised $1,248 through this event for Rotary's End Polio Campaign.  A wonderful effort.  Thanks to all who participated.
Virtual Tupperware Party Fund Raiser for End Polio pnh 2020-10-22 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary Foundation Newsletter 2020-10-07 13:00:00Z 0

CS#1 Freezers Launch

Yesterday President David and last year's Board members Lain, Peter and Rosemary celebrated with Amanda Tobler, CEO of CS#1, Canberra Sunrise's purchase of two mobile freezer eskies for use with their food pantry to extend services to those in need. This is part of a broader relationship that the club has worked to establish with CS#1, which has culminated in a Rotary District Grant to support the food pantry purchases of fresh ingredients.
We are very pleased to be able to support some of the broad set of community activities CS#1 is involved in.
Read more about CS#1 here or on their website here.
CS#1 Freezers Launch pnh 2020-08-31 14:00:00Z 0
Latest RAWCS Rover Newsletter 2020-08-23 14:00:00Z 0

Canberra Sunrise Back On Deck

Breakfast Meetings Re-Commenced 2 July 
Weekly club breakfast meetings recommenced on Thursday, 2 July.  23 members took advantage of this opportunity for members to get back together again and all enjoyed catching up and hearing from incoming President David Elder.  For anyone concerned about the social distancing arrangements, the Commonwealth Club have made appropriate adjustments
And the Winner Is:  DreamCricket
The Club was awarded the Youth Services award for the District at last week's District Changeover event.  We all know the wonderful job that Jonathan and the DreamCricket team do, but it was great to see that recognised at the District level.  The DreamCricket Gala Day is one of the club's 'big 3' events and represents the culmination of DreamCricket activities for the year.  Well done to all involved.
20/21 District Grant Application
And despite COVID-19, we have continued to strive to support the community,  The club has submitted an application for a District Grant to support provision of fresh produce for the CS#1 food pantry over the next 12 months.  In addition the club has approved $2,000 to support the purchase of freezers for the CS#1 food pantry as part of our disbursements.  CS#1 were the proposed beneficiary for our cancelled Trivia Night this year.  Click here to learn more about the great work of CS#1.  
Canberra Sunrise Back On Deck pnh 2020-07-03 14:00:00Z 0
How Rotary's End Polio Infrastructure is Supporting the COVID-19 Response 2020-06-22 14:00:00Z 0

Supporting Australian Rotary Health

The following message has been received from the Chairman of Australian Rotary Health:
This is not a fun time for us at Australian Rotary Health. Our wonderful research commitment, already made for the next three years, depends strongly on the support of Rotary Clubs throughout Australia. We have had a great track record since 1981 and have always had Aussie Rotarians backing new and successful research.
I write as a matter of urgency as Chairman of our longest serving national Rotary project. Due to the effect of COVID-19, donations to our mental health research funding have dropped alarmingly in May. This is very concerning and, since June is usually our most important month for donations, I ask you as leaders in your Club to include ARH in your financial support before the end of this unprecedented Rotary year.  
Ours is a great, home-grown Rotary project of which all Rotarians can be justly proud. Visit our website and see face-to-face interviews with leading researchers and you’ll get an idea of what research is being done. Importantly, from my point of view, 100% of every donated dollar is used for our research ... we’d hate to see that compromised in the future.
You can be assured that your donation will be used wisely and help us to continue to support our mental health research and programs.
Our Club plans to be including Australian Rotary Health in our annual disbursements again this year.  If you are also in a position to support this great Australian organisation, please check them out and donate here:
Supporting Australian Rotary Health pnh 2020-06-05 14:00:00Z 0

ARH COVID-19 Messaging

Check out these messages from Australian Rotary Health on some tips for surviving the COVID-19 restrictions and their potential impact on your mental health - here.
ARH COVID-19 Messaging pnh 2020-04-29 14:00:00Z 0

Events and Club Meetings 

The club continues to hold fortnightly virtual meetings using Zoom 'meeting' software until the end of June. 
Last Weeks Meetings
This weeks Club 'meeting' was our  our virtual changeover meeting.  It was great to have 25 members and friends (luca and Ser Sim) join us.  The meeting celebrated another very successful year for our Rotary Club despite all the challenges, and it was great to be able to thank Lain, her Board, Committees, team leaders and all members for their contributions.  We were all pleasantly surprised to see the scale of  contributions we have made to our community over a challenging year where many of our fund raising activities have been cancelled. 
A couple of scenes from the meeting are provided below:
Events and Club Meetings pnh 2020-03-19 13:00:00Z 0

BBQ Raises Much Needed Funds for Leukemia Foundation

Our ‘World’s Greatest Shave’ sausage sizzle at Bunnings Belconnen last weekend was very successful. Things looked up after a slow start due to a cold and wet morning and sales improved as the day wore on. Overall, as well as good fellowship for the hard working BBQ team members, it was a great day considering the weather and the current problems surrounding coronavirus. The BBQ made $1,545 profit, which will be provided to the Leukemia Foundation to support its great work.
Thanks to BBQ king Ray and the team of stalwarts for another great outcome!  The early shift are pictured below, braving the early morning weather.
Bunnings have now suspended further sausage sizzles so we got in just in time.
BBQ Raises Much Needed Funds for Leukemia Foundation pnh 2020-03-18 13:00:00Z 0

Good Motivation, Networking and Fun at District Conference

Six members of the club spent half of the long weekend with several other Rotarians at the District conference in Ulladullah.  Our contingent included Jonathan Lyall providing a motivational presentation and stand on the DreamCricket program, which will hopefully lead to further expansion and more schools participating.
The motivational speakers included Sarah Brown, from the Purple House (, Winter Olympic gold medal winner Stephen Bradbury and General Sir Peter Cosgrove (retired) and several others.  We heard from our wonderful Youth Exchange students, and the winner of the 4 Way Test student speaking competition.  These, along with several other interesting speakers, a Roaring 20's dinner and raising around $3,000 for replanting at Noel Butler's bushfire ravaged property, Nura Gunyu, an Aboriginal education and cultural teaching property in nearby Milton (see here for more information) made it a very rewarding weekend.  
Overall a motivational weekend, with good learning and networking.
Good Motivation, Networking and Fun at District Conference pnh 2020-03-09 13:00:00Z 0

Annual Trivia Night Cancelled

The club's annual Trivia fund raiser scheduled for Friday 15 May at the Hellenic Club  has been postponed to a date to be advised due to Covid-19 restrictions. 
Annual Trivia Night Cancelled pnh 2020-02-28 13:00:00Z 0

Support Your Community and Save - Entertainment Book

The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise has been selling Entertainment Books for some years now, with 20% of the purchase price going towards our local community projects.  
Recent changes to the Entertainment Book include that:
a.  the Entertainment Book is now only available in digital form;
b.  a national Entertainment Book package is now available at about twice the cost of the Canberra package - more savings, more places (and double the funds to Rotary!)!
c.  although still running on a 12 months membership basis, membership can commence anytime (not June to June as previously).
Bonuses in the form of gift cards are available for people wishing to purchase in March (part of the online purchase process).
Support the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise and purchase your Entertainment Book package at:
Support Your Community and Save - Entertainment Book 2020-02-24 13:00:00Z 0

Social Fund Raiser for End Polio Now Raises $1500

The club held a casual afternoon tea fund raising event last weekend.  Over 20 members, partners and friends gathered to celebrate Rotary's efforts to date and to recommit to the End Polio challenge.  As well as having a wonderful relaxing afternoon tea and chat with friends, those attending discussed the progress over the last 12 months in some areas and challenges in others.  And to top it all off donations from those in attendance and others that were unable to make it totalled $1500 to support the endeavours to rid the world of Polio.  With the Gates foundation 2:1 commitment, this means an overall $4500 effort.  Well done Canberra Sunrise!
Social Fund Raiser for End Polio Now Raises $1500 pnh 2020-02-04 13:00:00Z 0

First Meeting of the Year

Our first club meeting for 2020 was well attended with 23 members and two guests.  The meeting included wide ranging discussions on upcoming activities and plans for another busy year supporting our community.  Topics included how we can support those affected by the regional bushfires, a potential benefactor for our annual Trivia Night and much more.  We heard from Luca, our Youth Exchange Student from Italy, on his YEP and other activities over the last 2 months.  He sure is fitting a lot into his year in Australia, and seems to be relishing the experience.  We also received a certificate for our recent financial support to Kids In Care.  
First Meeting of the Year pnh 2020-01-22 13:00:00Z 0
Gates Foundation Extend End Polio Support pnh 2020-01-22 13:00:00Z 0

Looking to make a difference?

2020 is a whole new year and decade.  Over the Christmas and new year period you might have been considering making some changes in your life.  If you are in this situation and would like to assist those in need and the local community while enjoying a good social network, Rotary might be for you.  Our Rotary Club is seeking new members to grow the club and to allow us to do more in our community. 
If you are interested in learning more about what we do, without any commitments, drop us an email at  One of our team would be happy to meet you for an informal chat on our club.  Alternatively, we welcome prospective members checking us out at our club meetings, every Thursday morning from 7.15 for 7.30am to 8.30am, at the Commonwealth Club (first club meeting is on 23rd January).  
Looking to make a difference? pnh 2019-12-31 13:00:00Z 0

Celebrating 2019 Club Achievements

Our last club meeting of the year celebrated some of the club's achievements. 
This included handing over the $12,000 proceeds from our annual Trivia Night to Rise Above CEO Melissa Gardiner (see to learn about the great work that Rise Above does supporting those locals going through cancer treatment and their families).
Celebrating 2019 Club Achievements pnh 2019-12-31 13:00:00Z 0

Paint for Polio

Members of the Sundowners and Sunriser teams went in search of their artistic inner self last night in a Paint for Polio event.  Those in attendance were given some tuition and attempted to create a painting of an undersea scene.  A lot of fun was had by all.  More importantly, $300 was raised towards the Rotary End Polio campaign.  With the support of Bill and Melinda Gates' 2:1 additional donation, this means $900 all up was raised for this important international polio eradication campaign.
Paint for Polio pnh 2019-10-29 13:00:00Z 0

Welcome to the Sundowners Newest Member

It was great to welcome our newest Sundowner member, Emma. Emma has past Rotary experience and we look forward to her joining the Sundowners in their hands on local and wider community projects.   Pictured are Canberra Sunrise President, Lain, Canberra Sundowners Chair Tara and Emma at her induction.  Check out the Sundowners activities at:
Welcome to the Sundowners Newest Member pnh 2019-10-23 13:00:00Z 0

End Polio Reminder

Our recent guest speaker, Beth Woolley, provided a stimulating presentation on the End Polio campaign.  The presentation walked through Rotary's journey initiating and sustaining the End Polio campaign, and the tremendous support of partners in getting so close to world eradication of the disease.  The good news is that Nigeria is at the 3 year mark without new cases, so is about to be declared Polio free.  But we still have 88 confirmed cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan for the year to date.  We were reminded that we cannot stop our endeavours, even though it seems soooo close to the end; and that if we were to stop our efforts tomorrow, within 10 years an estimated 200,000 cases per year would be the outcome.
Thanks to everyone that supports this great cause.  If you feel you can contribute financially to help us get closer, head to this web page -  Remember, for every dollar contributed, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will contribute $2.  We can do this!
End Polio Reminder pnh 2019-10-23 13:00:00Z 0

DreamCricket Clinic - Harrison Primary

The Club conducted another DreamCricket clinic last week, this time at Harrison Primary School.  About 20 students with varying disabilities enjoyed a modified game of cricket and the exhilaration of being able to participate in a sport.  Well done to the RCCS volunteers involved in another successful clinic.
The DreamCricket Gala Day, involving multiple schools and over 100 students will be held on 5 November.  More information on DreamCricket is available at:
DreamCricket Clinic - Harrison Primary pnh 2019-10-23 13:00:00Z 0

Trivia Night Boon for Rise Above Cancer Support Group

Our sixth annual Trivia fund-raiser on 4th October again saw over $10,000 raised in support of our nominated charity.  This year our sponsored charity was Rise Above Canberra -, who provide tremendous financial and other support for those going through a cancer challenge and their families.  It was a poignant evening, with an early challenge for those who have not had a friend or family member affected by cancer asked to sit down - with not one of the 120 attendees sitting.  Our club also celebrated our member Bob Quiggin, who passed away from cancer this year, and used this as further motivation for raising funds on the night.
In an entertaining evening, our MC Andrea Ho kept the trivia activities moving and provided some great background in relation to some of the questions.  Andrea has hosted this event four times now, and says it helps to pay Rotary back for her wonderful year as a Rotary sponsored Exchange student in Japan in her younger days.  Thanks so much to Andrea for helping to make this another great event.
Trivia Night Boon for Rise Above Cancer Support Group pnh 2019-10-06 13:00:00Z 0

Paint for Polio 20/10

Our Sundowners are encouraging us to Paint for Polio, with painting lessons provided, and $20 from each ticket going to Rotary's End Polio campaign. Join us, bring a friend and have some fun while developing your artistic side.  An experienced artist will take us through the process of creating out very own masterpieces. 

29th October from 7pm at the Lighthouse Pub, Belconnen
Tickets · $65 from
Paint for Polio 20/10 pnh 2019-10-06 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Means Business Launch Canberra

The Canberra Rotary Means Business group launched tonight, with over one hundred Rotarians and local business representatives taking a part in an active networking opportunity.  Plenty of business cards were swapped, with a broad range of intersecting areas of interest.  We heard a little about the great work of the Indigo Foundation -, as well as some of the diverse community work being undertaken by the four Rotary Clubs and two Rotaract Clubs that are members of the group.  A type of speed dating service was tried and broke the ice between Rotarians and business guests.  I would not be surprised to see a number of Rotary-business relationships spawned from the evening.
Look out for our notices for the next event planned to be held on 21 November.
Rotary Means Business Launch Canberra pnh 2019-09-25 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary Peace Fellows Visit Canberra

Over the period 7-10 September, ten international Peace Fellows, undertaking their Rotary peace and conflict resolution studies at the University of Queensland, visited Canberra.  During the visit, the Peace Fellows visited a number of Canberra institutions, including the War Memorial, the National Museum, the Australian Civil Military Centre and ANU.  The Peace Fellows all have different backgrounds and objectives from the studies, with the common aim of supporting peace processes in their region or area of speciality.
The Peace Fellows dinner on 9 September was a celebration of Rotary's support to this very significant initiative and of the drive and character of each of the Peace Fellows.  Each Peace Fellow spoke of their background and desires after completing their studies.  Several cited the visit to the Rotary Peace Bell on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin as one of the highlights of the visit - for more information on the Peace Bell see:
Rotary Peace Fellows Visit Canberra pnh 2019-09-14 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary Means Business Networking Event - 26 September

A number of Rotary and Rotaract clubs in Canberra have recently joined together to launch a Rotary Means Business chapter in the ACT.  Rotary Means Business is a networking opportunity between Rotary and local businesses with a view to providing a meaningful networking opportunity, with Rotarians sharing about their Rotary and business endeavours and businesses sharing information on their focus and activities. 
Rotary Means Business Networking Event - 26 September pnh 2019-08-31 14:00:00Z 0

MUNA Embassy Support

Great to have members of the Afghanistan, Russian and Mexican Embassies join us at the MUNA celebration dinner on 17 August. Their support, and that of several other Embassies and High Commissions has been invaluable for our teams.  What an awesome experience!
MUNA Embassy Support pnh 2019-08-16 14:00:00Z 0

Model United Nations Assembly Underway

One of the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise's favorite annual events - the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) kicked off last night and runs all weekend at MOAD. Year 10-12 students from around Australia will debate six real world issues throughout the weekend. Teams are excited and ready to go.
Model United Nations Assembly Underway pnh 2019-08-16 14:00:00Z 0

Trivia Night

Have you got your tickets to the fund raiser of the year??
Join us for a night of fun, trivia, raffles, a silent auction and much more!
Our annual Trivia Fund Raising evening will be on Friday 4th October, from 7pm at the Hellenic Club Woden
Tickets $31.50 each.  Bookings now open -
All funds raised will go to Rise Above - Capital Region Cancer Relief, who provide financial assistance and support to cancer patients and family residing with them within the ACT, Queanbeyan and surrounds.  Their mission is to reduce the emotional and financial burden on families who have a member undergoing treatment for cancer.   To learn more about Rise Above, visit:
Full details of the event are provided in the flyer here.
Trivia Night pnh 2019-07-20 14:00:00Z 0
2019 Trivia Night - 4 October - Bookings Open pnh 2019-07-20 14:00:00Z 0

Celebration of 25 Years Service to the Community

The Club recently celebrated our 25th anniversary of providing service to the community, with a lunch at the Royal Canberra Golf Club.  This was a belated celebration, as the actual 25th anniversary was back in October last year.  However our initial planned celebration was rained out.  
A number of previous club members joined us in a casual celebration with a look back over some of our many service activities over the years.  Ainslie, one of our foundation members provided an interesting view of her memories and highlights.  
Congratulations Canberra Sunrise, and best wishes for the next 25 years!
Celebration of 25 Years Service to the Community pnh 2019-07-20 14:00:00Z 0
Rotary Continues to Work for Peace pnh 2019-05-18 14:00:00Z 0

Literacy Support to Children in PNG

Posted on May 10, 2019
In many areas of Australia we take for granted that children have ready access to books.  This is not the case in many countries, including Papua New Guinea (PNG).  Our club has been working to help address this problem over recent years.  
Literacy Support to Children in PNG pnh 2019-05-09 14:00:00Z 0

Canberra Sundowners Making a Real Difference

Posted on May 05, 2019
Over two years ago our club was approached to start up a new Rotary Club with a focus on the sort of activities and flexible program that would appeal more to younger potential Rotary members than traditional clubs.  We were up to the challenge and formed the Canberra Sundowners.  We recently had the opportunity to reflect with them on their achievements.
Canberra Sundowners Making a Real Difference pnh 2019-05-04 14:00:00Z 0

25th Anniversary

Posted on May 05, 2019
Any 25th anniversary is worth celebrating, and ours is no different.  The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise turned 25 last October.   That is a great milestone for a local community based volunteer organisation.  Over this period our generous and happy volunteers have undertaken many activities supporting those in need or difficulty in the local and wider community.
Unfortunately our planned celebration was rained out in the deluge before Christmas.  We will now celebrate the event along with our annual changeover lunch on 7th July.  Full details will be provided soon to those people that had responded regarding the washed out December event.  Others who would like details should email
25th Anniversary pnh 2019-05-04 14:00:00Z 0

Buy Entertainment Books and Save

The club is again selling Entertainment Books.  These offer great savings in restaurants, cafes, hotels, airfares, wineries and much more.  Each book costs $60, and for each book sold, our club receives $12.
Typically, you need to use the card only twice to recover the cost of the book.  I even saved $100 on a dozen wines in one transaction from a local winery.  It is so easy to save money with this card.  It also is great for prompting you to try new restaurants.  The book is also a great gift for friends or relatives in Canberra.
If you would like to order one or more books, please click here and fill in the form and payment or click on the "Support Us Now" button below and fill in the form and payment.
Please also share this story with any friends or family that may be interested.   These books represent great value and are very popular and can raise good money to support our club's work.
Please consider purchasing an Entertainment Book and supporting our Rotary Club support our community.
Hurry! Bonus Early Bird Offers. Limited Time Only.
Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise is fundraising with Entertainment! 
Your support really helps Supporting our Rotary Club's activities supporting the local, national and international community., so we’re thrilled to let you know about special bonus Early Bird Entertainment Membership Offers for loyal supporters.
Pre-order the NEW 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Membership and receive bonus offers you can use right away!
Buy Entertainment Books and Save pnh 2019-03-26 13:00:00Z 0

BBQ Support to Epilepsy ACT

A team from the Club set out last Sunday to support Epilepsy ACT with their annual fund raising Walk for Epilespy (see  
Epilepsy ACT was very pleased with the turnout of walkers with approx. 220 participating which was quite a few more than last year. The BBQ raised approximately $320 which will be donated to Epilepsy ACT.
As well as a great time for fellowship, our team enjoyed meeting supporters of Epilepsy ACT and also supporting this important cause.
BBQ Support to Epilepsy ACT pnh 2019-03-26 13:00:00Z 0

Canberra Rotary Clubs Join Forces to Support East Indonesia

Our Rotary Club loves being involved in practical support to those in need.  While we have a strong local focus, we also support a number of international projects.  This week we heard from Rotarians John and Yvonne Mercer on their recent project evaluation of a NTA (East Indonesia) project we have contributed to in East Indonesia.  A number of Canberra Rotary Clubs and Rotary International have contributed to these projects.  
NTA (East Indonesia), a Canberra-based overseas aid NGO, have worked with local staff, government agencies and local NGOs to identify projects. East Indonesian families and communities are helped to self construct sustainable water, sanitation, agricultural and educational infrastructure and facilities.
It was wonderful and heartening to hear of the significant difference our small donations are making, enabling communities in East Indonesia to build wells, toilet blocks and school facilities, among other things.  Check out NTA (East Indonesia) for more details.
Canberra Rotary Clubs Join Forces to Support East Indonesia pnh 2019-03-14 13:00:00Z 0

Busy Start to 2019

While Club members enjoyed a short break over Christmas, our community focus and activities is again ramping up. 
  • A small team has been working tirelessly collecting and boxing books being disposed of by local schools to be sent to PNG schools and libraries under the Buk bilong  Pikinini project.  
  • Preparations are underway to run BBQs in support of Dementia Australia and Epilepsy ACT over the next month.
  • Collection of bras during March as part of the Uplift project - for distribution to women in need (managed by our Sundowners satellite club).
  • Supporting packing of Kindness Conquers All ( kits to support Canberra's disadvantaged and homeless  (our Sundowners satellite club).
  • Planning is underway for our annual Trivia Night (31 May).
  • Planning is underway for our annual national Model United Nations Assembly weekend in August.
If you are community minded and would like to contribute back to the community, come and check us out.  We would love to give you an insight into the world-wide Rotary community service organisation.
Busy Start to 2019 pnh 2019-02-15 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation receives highest rating from Charity Navigator for 11th year

There are so many charities seeking donations these days, and many are doing great things.  As well as doing great things with your donations, it is important that charities minimise overheads and ensure that as much of your donations as possible contribute directly to the supported cause.  Charity Navigator assesses charities around the world annually in regard to the level accountability and transparency of management of their funds.  Once again the Rotary Foundation has achieved the maximum, 4 star rating.  More information is available in the following article:
More information on the Rotary Foundation is available here:
Rotary Foundation receives highest rating from Charity Navigator for 11th year pnh 2018-12-22 13:00:00Z 0

Another Busy few Months

The club continues to be very busy on a number of fronts.  In the last month or so, some of our activities have included:
  • The conduct of a DreamCricket Gala Day providing a wonderful modified cricket experience to over 100 students with varying abilities from around the region.  Students and carers and teachers all came away with huge grins and the knowledge that these students can enjoy sport despite the challenges they face.  A great experience for all involved.
  • Our satellite club, the Sundowners, have raised $5,000 and purchased 10 prosthetic hand kits through Helping Hands.  More than just a team building or training activity, those involved spent three hours building prosthetic hands  from the kits.  The teams then decorated the cases holding the hands and they will now be forwarded to amputee landmine victims throughout the developing world.  Refer to for more information on the program.
  • We have supported the Leukemia Foundation Light the Night campaign by providing a sausage sizzle to participants and providing the proceeds to the Leukemia Foundation.  Light the Night is the Leukaemia Foundation’s beautiful evening lantern walk, where Australians come together and transform the darkness into a sea of glowing light to beat blood cancer.
  • We have raised funds to purchase a Shelterbox to support families through natural disasters.  By providing emergency shelter and tools for families robbed of their homes by disaster, we’re transforming despair into hope.  Refer to  
  • We have also this weekend raised over $1,000 in support of the Rotary End Polio campaign, and held a very relaxing get together as part of this activity.  With the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation matching every dollar raised two to one, this results in a $3,000 contribution to the campaign.  Refer to for more information.
It is great to be part of such a vibrant club.  If you are interested in checking us out, you are welcome to come along to our meetings.  Just email the contact email address to let us know ahead of time.
Another Busy few Months pnh 2018-11-10 13:00:00Z 0

Inspiring Rotary Supported Scholars

It has been an inspiring week, hearing from a range of people whose studies are being supported by Rotary, through the Rotary Peace Fellows Program and also the Rotary Foundation Global Grants Scholarships.  Both programs equip people to make positive change in the world.
Inspiring Rotary Supported Scholars  pnh 2018-09-21 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary at Floriade

Rotary is Floriade's charity partner this year. Our club will be showing and telling what it means to be a Rotarian and in particular, a member of Canberra Sunrise at the Rotary marquee at Floriade all day on Sunday 16 September. We are located between Stage 88 and the Kangaroo Pond. Come along to learn how a little time can offer so much back to the community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Rotary at Floriade pnh 2018-09-14 14:00:00Z 0

UN Style Debate a Great Success

Rotary's national Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) was conducted in the historic House of Representatives Chamber of the Old Parliament House, home to the Museum of Australian Democracy from 17-19 August. This was the 22nd consecutive MUNA event that the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise has run on behalf of Rotary District 9710, with the aim of increasing international understanding and goodwill.  
Fifty-four Year 10 to 12 students from schools in Queensland, NSW, ACT, Victoria and Tasmania participated in the event.  Teams of two or three students made up 20 teams, each representing a country to debate six real-world United Nations resolutions over the weekend. 
The post event press release is available here: 
UN Style Debate a Great Success pnh 2018-08-25 14:00:00Z 0

UN Style Debate Commences

The annual national Model United Nations Assembly kicked off last night.  Fifty four students from across the east coast of Australia have come together in Canberra to debate real world issues all weekend at the Museum of Australian Democracy.  Visitors to the museum are welcome to pop in to see some of our nation's talented young people represent their allocated country in 6 UN style debating sessions.
UN Style Debate Commences pnh 2018-08-17 14:00:00Z 0

Help Our Club and Save

Assist our club to continue to support our local community through the purchase of an Entertainment Book.  20% of every Entertainment Book membership sold through us contributes to the ongoing work of the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise.Funds raised will support the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise’s projects, which focus on the needs of Canberra and regional youth, disadvantaged and those with special needs. Recent examples of those we have supported include DreamCricket (, Technical Aids for the Disabled ACT, YouthCARE Canberra ( and the Boundless all-abilities playground.
Help Our Club and Save pnh 2018-07-25 14:00:00Z 0

Helping Hands at Vinnies

The weekend of 14/15 July saw a small group of stalwart Sunrisers and Sundowners brave the cold to spend a few hours sorting items at St Vincent's warehouse in Mitchell.  Those involved learned of the huge stockpiles of clothing, furniture, cosmetics and all sorts of other items that come through the warehouse that are either on-sold or provided free of charge to clients in difficult circumstances.  It was time well spent, and a great opportunity for club members to provide hands on assistance to a an organisation providing a helping hand in our local community.

Helping Hands at Vinnies 2018-07-21 14:00:00Z 0

Helping Hands at Vinnies

Last weekend saw a small group of stalwart Sunrisers and Sundowners brave the cold to spend a few hours sorting items at St Vincent's warehouse in Mitchell.  Those involved learned of the huge stockpiles of clothing, furniture, cosmetics and all sorts of other items that come through the warehouse that are either on-sold or provided free of charge to clients in difficult circumstances.  It was time well spent, and great to able to provide hands on assistance to a an organisation providing a helping hand in our local community.
Helping Hands at Vinnies pnh 2018-07-17 14:00:00Z 0

Trivia Night Fundraiser Success

The annual Trivia Night fundraiser event was held on 1st June.  Once again the event was a great night of fun and trivia.  Over $12,500 was raised for DreamCricket on the night.
Trivia Night Fundraiser Success pnh 2018-07-06 14:00:00Z 0

ShelterBox in PNG

Following powerful earthquakes and aftershocks that have shaken the country since 26 February, ShelterBox has sent an assessment team comprising Ops staff, two SRT volunteers from UK and US. We hope they will be joined by colleagues from Australia and New Zealand in due course. An estimated half a million people have been affected. These families are in remote mountain locations, their villages and communities have been devastated, and the emergency shelter need is high. We are working with the Papua New Guinea Disaster Management Team, the Shelter Cluster and partners on the ground to make sure we can give families the right aid to help them rebuild their lives. ShelterBox has vital aid, including tarpaulins, ropes and mosquito nets, stationed in Subang, Malaysia. On arrival in the capital Port Moresby our teams will first assess need, and the challenges of reaching the most vulnerable.
ShelterBox in PNG 2018-03-26 13:00:00Z 0
Support our Rotary Club and Local Projects Through Purchase of the Entertainment Book pnh 2018-03-14 13:00:00Z 0

Busy Start To 2018 for Canberra Sunrise

The year has got off to a busy start for the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise.  Over the next 6 weeks we are running DreamCricket Clinics at local schools, running a BBQ in support of the Epilespy ACT Annual Walk and running a couple of fund raising BBQs - including one on ANZAC Day at Bunnings Belconnen.  Planning committees are also busy preparing for our annual Trivia Fundraiser (1 June), our Model United Nations Assembly debating weekend (August) and a DreamCricket Gala Day (October).  It is great to be so busy supporting our local community, and also great to have such a committed group of volunteers to make these events all happen.
If you are keen to give back to the community and support some of these events, please contact us and come along to a Club meeting to check us out.  No pressure.  No obligation.
Busy Start To 2018 for Canberra Sunrise pnh 2018-03-10 13:00:00Z 0

A Great Outcome for YouthCare Canberra

The proceeds of a most successful 2017 Trivia Night, conducted by the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise, were handed over to YouthCare Canberra at a recent Club meeting.  Conducted at the Hellenic Club and, with the generous support of some 175 people who attended, the night raised $12,000. 
The Club’s focus is on the disabled and youth in its local community. YouthCare Canberra was therefore an ideal recipient given that it provides a unique outreach program that is focused on improving the lives of alienated and excluded street youth in the Canberra region.
Pictured receiving the cheque from organising committee leader Michelle Dare and Club President Rosemary Everett is YouthCare Board Chair Paul Kane.
A Great Outcome for YouthCare Canberra 2017-11-11 13:00:00Z 0

Breakfast Speaker - Georgia Richards

We were privileged to hear from our District’s Global Grant Scholar for 2017-18, Georgia Richards last Thursday.
She was introduced to the club by the District’s Global Grants Committee Chair, Haida Passos. Georgia is from Brisbane and graduated from a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science with First Class Honours in Pharmacology from the University of Queensland in 2015. Her Honours research focused on the management of chronic non-cancer pain which led Georgia to pursue a career in medical research working in the non-for-profit sector. Georgia has now been accepted into the University of Oxford to study for her Doctorate of Philosophy (DPhil/PhD) in Primary Health Care. Her PhD research will focus on evidence-based medicine with the outcome to improve disease prevention and treatment. Georgia will be supervised by Professor Carl Heneghan who is the Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford, a General Practitioner and leading medical researcher in Evidence-Based Medicine. Without the support of the Rotary Global Grant, Georgia would not have had this incredible opportunity.
Breakfast Speaker - Georgia Richards 2017-08-20 14:00:00Z 0

Another Great Model United Nations Assembly Weekend

RC Canberra Sunrise's flagship annual event, the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA), was held at the Museum of Australian Democracy this weekend.  68 Year 9-12 students from around Australia came together for a weekend of vigorous and at times, passionate debate over world issues, including protection of human rights while countering terrorism, the Syrian crisis, prevention of proliferation of nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula and elimination of all forms of violence against women.  Videos, photos and additional information are available on our MUNA Facebook page -
Another Great Model United Nations Assembly Weekend pnh 2017-08-19 14:00:00Z 0
End Polio Now Newsletter 2017-07-29 14:00:00Z 0
Rotarians Against Malaria Newsletter 2017-07-23 14:00:00Z 0

Homes of Hope

Homes of Hope
Our guest speaker last week was Kirsty Hill, accompanied by husband Oscar and sons Sammy and Liam.  Kirsty spoke of her and Oscar’s volunteer work over the last nine years in Ensenada, Mexico.  In their primary endeavour, Homes of Hope, they support visiting teams to build a house for a needy Mexican family over a single weekend.  The teams build about 300 houses every year.

Kirsty spent some time highlighting that provision of a basic house on a concrete slab as opposed to living under a tarp on bare earth yields several benefits to the entire receiving family.  These include health benefits to the whole family and improved education because of less time off school due to poor health and a better environment for children to be learning.  Financially, provision of a house means the family puts the family at least 7 years ahead of if they had to save for a house.  Kirsty mentioned some experiences where she has visited families some years after they received a house and seen just how much the family has benefited and the love that they have put into further developing their home.

Kirsty also spoke of other ministries she and Oscar are involved in, working in the communities where they have built houses.  One of these is Circulo, an afternoon of fun, character building and learning for young kids, and equipping them to be good members of their community.  Some of these children are now young adults and helping on house builds themselves.  This is very satisfying for Kirsty and Oscar, who are now seeing their investment in families and the kids of Ensenada now coming full circle.
Homes of Hope 2017-07-15 14:00:00Z 0

Youth Exchange - the benefits

Our Youth Committee Chair, Jonathan Lyall recently appeared on ABC Radio Canberra, discussing the Rotary Youth Exchange programme and other forms of Youth exchange. Listen to the interview here.
Youth Exchange - the benefits 2017-07-07 14:00:00Z 0

Trivia Night

The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise is conducting a Trivia Night on Friday the 28th April at the Hellenic Club at Woden with all proceeds going to YouthCare Canberra (YCC). For those who would like to know more about YouthCare Canberra please click here.
YCC has been around under various names since 1986 and today has a unique Outreach Program focused on improving the lives of alienated and excluded street youth in the Canberra region.  At any one time they are engaged with 40 to 50 young people, working with them to reconnect them to mainstream society.
The Trivia night promises to be a fun night with silent auctions, raffles and opportunities to win great prizes.  To ensure its success we need to fill the venue to its capacity of around 170 people so we look forward to seeing you there.
WHEN: 28th April
TIME: 7pm with trivia commencing 7.30pm
WHERE: Hellenic Club Woden, Apollo Room
COST: $31.50 including booking fees or for a discount in fees, buy a table of 10.
TryBooking proudly supports charities by donating back all booking fees.
The Hellenic Club facilities will be open and available for dinner prior to Trivia with the bar operating throughout the night.
We thank you in anticipation of your support and look forward to seeing you there on the night.
Trivia Night 2017-03-02 13:00:00Z 0
Latest End Polio Now Newsletter 2017-02-14 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Building Confidence and Self-Esteem for Children with Special Needs

Some 150 children aged 8 to 12 with a wide range of disabilities will gather at the Kingston Oval in Canberra on the 23rd of March 2017 for the DreamCricket Gala Day conducted by the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise and the Rotary E-Club of Brindabella.  In teams representing their schools, they will participate in a program of specially adapted cricket-based activities aimed at building their confidence and self-esteem in a fun and safe environment.
DreamCricket was initiated by the Movement Disorder Foundation in concert with the Rotary clubs of the Southern Highlands and the Bradman Foundation.  The first Gala Day was held in 2008 at the Bradman Oval in Bowral and, since then, school clinics and Gala Days have been held in all mainland states of Australia as well as in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal.
The aims of DreamCricket are:

• To maximise the quality of sporting experience for primary school students with a disability;
• To raise the standards of citizenship and behaviour through education, high expectations, discipline and enjoyment; and
• To provide a model for schools and communities in arranging similar activities.
Who Can Play?
Primary school students in years three to six who have an intellectual, physical or sight impaired disability are eligible to participate. The DreamCricket Day will help teachers, carers and parents in improving the self-esteem and confidence in their children.
Admission for Gala Day is free and medallions, team hats, drinks and snacks will be provided.  Equipment and coaches will be provided by DreamCricket Australia and local Rotarians as well as students from local high schools who will be participating as part of their community service program. 
This is a fantastic opportunity for Rotarians and their communities and businesses to get together to show that cricket is a game available for every child regardless of their skills or abilities.

Contact:  Jonathan Lyall
Rotary Building Confidence and Self-Esteem for Children with Special Needs 2017-01-28 13:00:00Z 0

Fashion Night Raises Funds

A Blue Illusion fundraising Fashion Parade was held recently in Manuka with over 30 club members and friends attending.  Over $1,000 was raised and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  Jill and Michelle did a wonderful job as our models.  Thanks to Penny for a wonderful job in organising the event, and for Blue Illusion for providing a percentage of the nights takings to the Club.  These funds will support the club's local community activities, which focus on local youth and the disabled as well as other projects.
Fashion Night Raises Funds 2016-10-13 13:00:00Z 0

Investment in Our Future

Many of the activities that Rotary undertakes do not produce immediate outcomes.  Often, particularly in the case of some of our youth exchange and training activities,the fruit of the investment can take some time to become evident.  Sometimes we can see the benefits in a shorter timeframe.
This week at our club meeting we heard from Fiona, a student that the club sponsored for a year long international exchange program in Europe about 2 years ago (see for more information).  During her time in Europe, Fiona became quite involved with her hosting Rotary club, which has ignited a desire to support those less fortunate than herself, and an active interest in Rotary.  She has joined Interact, and in July, joined the Interact Club of Yass in a trip to provide a range of support to Amed (North West Bali) at the Batuskeni Medical Centre.  During the short trip the team of high school aged students provided a range of services, including supplying and installing laptops to the vocational training classrooms within the Medical Centre, conducting classes in the use of computers to students; conducting school visits and delivering school equipment and clothing and general hands on maintenance / gardening at the Medical Centre.  
It was wonderful to hear from Fiona of her service in Bali and passion for supporting those less fortunate than herself.
Investment in Our Future 2016-10-06 13:00:00Z 0

Busy Time for Canberra Sunrise

It has been a busy and productive period for the club since our major showcase event, the Model United Nations event in August.  The club supported the Lifeline Book Fair, providing car park attendant services over the weekend of the book fair in late September.  An enjoyable social evening with a fund raising twist was held this week with a fashion show of Blue Illusion fashions, which attracted a good crowd, with 15% of sales being contributed to the club.  
This weekend the club is running the gnome painting activities at Gnome Knoll at Floriade, which is a great fun activity for all ages; all funds raised supporting the activities of the Canberra Rotary and Rotaract clubs involved.  On Sunday you can also support our club by popping out to Bunnings Gunghalin and buying a sausage from our team.
We are also supporting Australian Rotary Health in next week's Mental Health Week, with a Hat Day fundraiser at our club meeting on Thursday.  Hat Day is a national Australian Rotary Health campaign to raise funds to help support mental health research and associated activities.  See for more details.
If you would like to know more about the work that Rotary does, or how to become involved in our Rotary Club of Sunrise activities, please contact us at 
Busy Time for Canberra Sunrise 2016-10-06 13:00:00Z 0

ShelterBox and Rotary clubs take action following earthquake in Italy

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck central Italy early Wednesday, killing more than 240 people and trapping an unknown number beneath rubble. Tremors were felt as far away as Rome, 100 km (65 miles) southwest of the quake's epicenter.
International disaster relief agency and Rotary International project partner ShelterBox is sending a response team from its headquarters in the United Kingdom to the remote mountainous area of Italy where the destruction is most severe. The response team will arrive Friday, 26 August, to assess the area's needs.
Read more here
ShelterBox and Rotary clubs take action following earthquake in Italy 2016-09-04 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary Global Grant Scholarships open

District 9710 is seeking to support an individual who wishes to commence in 2017 graduate-level study overseas in one of Rotary’s six areas of focus:

•         Basic education and literacy
•         Disease prevention and treatment
•         Economic and community development
•         Maternal and child health
•         Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
•         Water and sanitation.
The District’s generous scholarship is in the amount of US$30,000 and is open to non-Rotarians, preferably who reside, work or study in our district.

Potential applicants are directed to our district website.

As the successful scholar will be expected to have a knowledge of Rotary and to have participated in Rotary activities, potential applicants should also get in touch with RC Canberra Sunrise. If there are any questions, please contact the Chair of the District Global Grants Scholarship Subcommittee and include a contact telephone number in the email.

Applications close on 30 September 2016.
Rotary Global Grant Scholarships open 2016-07-23 14:00:00Z 0

Foodlovers comes to Sunrise

A recent guest speaker was Nancy Harrison from Foodlovers, based at the Belconnen Fresh Food Markets.  The shop has been in the same location for nearly 30 years.  FoodLovers makes jams, pickles and chutneys, dessert and savoury sauces, cakes and biscuits.  Nancy started working at Foodlovers in 2008 and purchased the business in 2013.
She has built up the business and, due to demand from customers, now has over 500 products available for sale.  She has the help of 6 part time employees.  She will soon be accredited with the Coeliac Association as all products produced are gluten free – another reason for her increasing trade
At a function held recently in Sydney, she was invited to undertake further study in France in January next year to learn more about producing gluten free products.  This will allow for expansion of her business here in Canberra.
Foodlovers comes to Sunrise 2016-07-23 14:00:00Z 0

RCCS secures District Support for Dream Cricket Gala Day

In March, the club held a successful Trivia Night raising funds to support a Gala Day for DreamCricket. On top of this, the club applied for a grant of funds from the District to boost our capacity to host the Gala Day and has now been advised by the District Grants chair of the success of our application.
The grant is valued at $4,570 and this will help so much in funding the Gala Day. Well done to all involved in organising both the Trivia Night and the Gala Day!
DreamCricket is a program of cricket activities that have been specially designed by exercise physiologists to enable disabled primary school children to actively participate in cricket-based activities which have been specially designed to meet their different needs.  These special needs include physical, intellectual and sight impaired disabilities and the children are given the stimulus to achieve their personal best, thereby gaining confidence through their participation in the activities.
RCCS secures District Support for Dream Cricket Gala Day 2016-07-23 14:00:00Z 0

MUNA comes full circle

A very special recent speaker was Stuart Bryson. Stuart was a participant in MUNA (twice!) in his last years at high school, and has now gone on to engage deeply with international affairs. Stuart spoke of how valuable the MUNA experience had been for him and his friends, opening up not only new networks of friends that remain active, but also inspiring students to develop their studies and careers and contribute to the world around them. Stuart is now our contact at the ANU and has been a great support in organising this year's MUNA.
MUNA comes full circle 2016-07-16 14:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Foundation turns 100 2016-07-16 14:00:00Z 0

Club Changeover Lunch

Thirty seven members and guests celebrated the end of one successful Rotary year and the dawn of another at the club changeover lunch last Sunday.
District Governor Steve Hill inducted Rosemary Everett as President and welcomed the new Board into office.
Past President Peter summarised the highlights of the past year, including club achievement of the RI Presidential Citation, the District Goals award and the District Efficiency award (awarded to the club in the District with what is considered to be a most efficient Board and club structure, noting our involvement in MUNA, Peace Fellows and establishment of a satellite club. Thanks to Peter for his leadership and commitment during the past year!
Thanks to all club members for making the year a most successful one.
Club Changeover Lunch pnh 2016-07-06 14:00:00Z 0

Speakers on Beyond Water

Speakers at last weeks club meeting were Pete & Sharon Crean, the co-founders of Beyond Water - Pete & Sharon have spoken across many nations including New Zealand, Australia, Kenya, Rwanda, Ghana, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda and the United States of America. In 2013, the Creans received a Rotary Humanitarian Award for their work in Africa.

A key driver for their work is that 783 million people do not have access to clean water and almost 2.5 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation.

Pete and Sharon provided a passionate talk on their practical response to this situation and the shocking flow on effects, including child mortality and lost years of education.  Check out their web site and consider making a donation.


Speakers on Beyond Water pnh 2016-07-06 14:00:00Z 0

Last Club Meeting For YEP Lea

The Club farewelled a great young friend at this weeks meeting.  Our Youth Exchange student, Lea, who has shared her time between our club and RC Canberra East gave a brief outline of her experiences, and noted mixed feelings about leaving Canberra after a wonderful year here.  Lea suggested that she would love to return to Australia some time in the future.  Those that have been involved with Lea have found her to be a wonderful young lady, with a great deal of potential.  We wish Lea well for the future and know that her Rotary experience will have shaped her future.
Last Club Meeting For YEP Lea pnh 2016-07-06 14:00:00Z 0

RCCS Recognised At District Changeover Function

Four members (Peter Hill, Rosemary Everett, Margaret Atkin and Ian Sayers and wife Laurel) attended the District change-over lunch today, reflecting on the Rotary year past and in thanking DG Monica and her team for their efforts through the year.
The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise was recognised with three awards, an RI Presidential Citation, for achievement of a suite of RI established goals set at the start of the Rotary year, a District goals award for achievement of a set of District goals, and an Efficiency Award.  DG Monica also paid tribute to the Club and in particular Claire Scott, for her work in taking the satellite club forward to its current state, pretty close to being able to undertake the formal club establishment process.  
These awards recognise the good work being done throughout the club and by your club board across the community.  Well done to all.
RCCS Recognised At District Changeover Function pnh 2016-06-25 14:00:00Z 0

4/7/16 Questacon Science Debate 'Life in 2050 - Food, Water, Energy and Work'

Join us for a science debate, ‘Life in 2050 - Food, Water, Energy and Work’, that RC Canberra Weston Creek has organised as a fundraiser for one of our January NYSF students who was selected to attend the London International Youth Science Forum in July/August. The debate has a panel of very eminent speakers and will be held at the Questacon Japan Theatre. The Master of Ceremonies will be Mike Lee from the Alliance Francaise, well known for his hosting of Café Scientifiques both at CSIRO and the Alliance Francaise.  Full details here.
The evening will firstly provide an exciting and informative public debate on important and emergent issues, and secondly raise money to assist an extremely talented young science student from Canberra College to realise his dream of attending the London International Youth Science Forum in July. 
Date: Monday 4 July 2016
Time: 5.30 – 8.00 pm
Where: Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre
Associate Professor Jamie Pittock, Australian National University
Ian Chambers, Australian National University
Professor Graham Durant AM, Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre
Honorary Associate Professor Hugh Saddler, Pitt & Sherry
Dr Nicky Grigg, CSIRO
Emeritus Professor Denis Goodrum, Australian Academy of Science
Tickets $10 each
Donations can also be made via the booking link below for those unable to attend on the evening. All ticket and donation money will be used to assist the student to attend the Forum.
I do hope you can assist us in this endeavour.
Best Regards,
Graham Giles
Rotary Club of Canberra Weston Creek
4/7/16 Questacon Science Debate 'Life in 2050 - Food, Water, Energy and Work' pnh 2016-06-10 14:00:00Z 0

Club Welcomes Newest Member

At its club meeting last week, President Peter inducted the club's newest member, Trent Hickey.  Trent's father was a Rotarian and Trent also is a past Rotary Youth Exchange Program recipient.
Club Welcomes Newest Member pnh 2016-06-10 14:00:00Z 0

Club Changeover Lunch - Sunday 3 July from 12 noon

The Club will be holding its change over lunch at the Royal Canberra Golf Club from noon to 3pm on Sunday 3 July.  This will be a wonderful opportunity for fellowship, and give us a chance to reflect on our club's past year and to contemplate the Rotary year ahead.  We will also be farewelling our Youth Exchange student Lea.  I would love to have as many members, partners and friends as possible join us.  Tickets are $50 per head - full details are available here.
Please contact Judy Mack by email at, or at a club meeting soon to confirm your attendance.  Please RSVP by 24 June.
Peter Hill
Club Changeover Lunch - Sunday 3 July from 12 noon 2016-06-10 14:00:00Z 0

Bunnings BBQ In The Rain

The club responded to a request on Thursday to fill in at a Bunnings BBQ at Belconnen owing to a group pulling out at the last minute.  Always up to a challenge, a few club stalwarts rose to the occasion and spent the day cooking and selling sausages in the consistent rain all day Sunday.  Although slower than our normal Bunnings days, a steady stream of busy hardware buyers stopped by for some sustenance.  A good outcome, awaiting final tallies.  Thanks to all involved.
Bunnings BBQ In The Rain pnh 2016-06-04 14:00:00Z 0

Lisa Welcomes New Family Member

The Club has welcomed news from member Lisa Clutterham of the birth of their first child, Caitlin Iris Sharley, born on 3 May, weighing 4.44 kgs and 52.5cm in length.  Both mother and baby are doing well.  Congratulations to Lisa and her partner Dom on this great news and welcome to the newest member of our club's community.
Through Jill B. the club sent flowers to Lisa, and we have now received the following message:
"Dear RCCS
Thank you very much for the beautiful flowers. They have brightened our home.
Caitlin is doing really well. We are pretty sure she has grown already. Dom and i are enjoying the early days of parenthood.
I hope to bring her along to meet you all sometime soon.
Kind regards

Lisa Welcomes New Family Member pnh 2016-05-13 14:00:00Z 0

Club's Newest Member Welcomed

The club recently welcomed its newest member, Don Thomas.  Don has a very long history supporting Rotary and has transferred to us from the Rotary Club of Ginninderra.  Welcome to Canberra Sunrise Don!  The photo below show Don being inducted by President Peter.
Club's Newest Member Welcomed pnh 2016-05-13 14:00:00Z 0
Disaster Aid Australia Newsletter 2016-05-07 14:00:00Z 0

Welcome to the Club's Newest Member

The Club welcomed long term RI member Don Thomas into its membership this week.  Don has a very long history supporting Rotary and has transferred to us from the Rotary Club of Ginninderra.  Welcome to Canberra Sunrise Don!  The photograph shows Don being welcomed into the Club by President Peter.
Welcome to the Club's Newest Member pnh 2016-04-27 14:00:00Z 0

Lesson in Giving Back

Long time friend of the Club, Phil Basche, provided a motivating talk to members this week.  While discussing the wonderful work of Lifeline, Phil highlighted some of the very important lessons that he has learned through Lifeline counseling training - including the importance of learning to listen - something we can all improve on in the home, workplace and anywhere.  The number of calls to Lifeline each day is massive, and Phil emphasised it would be great to be able to reduce the number of calls through better listening and engagement by all of us in our daily lives.  A sobering but motivating presentation.  
Lesson in Giving Back pnh 2016-04-27 14:00:00Z 0

RCCS Support to Communities@Work Best Dressed Store

The club recently received a warm thank you letter from Communities@Work for support to the its clothing store.  The club's clothing contributions were provided to the Communities@Work clothing service, providing  men and women in need with free clothing, shoes and accessories for job interviews, work experience or other special events.    For many who are unemployed, on low incomes or who have experienced a life changing event, it can be a real struggle to meet the cost of suitable clothing for the next job interview or to commence new employment. This can contribute to positive life changes for those involved.
Special thanks to Lisa for coordinating the collection and drop-off of the clothes and to all members for their donated clothing.  
RCCS Support to Communities@Work Best Dressed Store pnh 2016-04-22 14:00:00Z 0

Presentation to Secondary Introductory English Centre

Last week Ainslie represented President Peter at the graduation ceremony at the Secondary Introducty English Centre and presented the RCCS encouragement award.  The Club presents a certificate and a box of useful school related items costing over $200 to one student in each of the four graduation ceremonies a year.  This award provides significant assistance to the student, directly supporting their ongoing studies.
Ainslie was asked to be on stage during proceedings, along with the Principal and Joanna Kelman, and assisted in the presentation of certificates. She got a little more than she bargained for - when she, Joanna and Craig (Principal) got dragged from the audience into participating in the student’s performance finale - a hand clapping, hand waving rendition of  the song “Stand By Me."
The recipient of the encouragement award was Hussain.  His award included the following.  It identified Hussain a mature and hard-working student who sets high standards for himself and is meticulous in everything he does.  Hussain is resilient and determined to succeed in life. His dream is to become an engineer. Hussain is a caring student who is committed to his family. He juggles his responsibilities with diligence. We are proud to have watched the enormous progress Hussain has made at the SIEC. We see a bright future for this special young man.
Ainslie advises that Rotary got a number of mentions during the ceremony where  we were thanked for our support -  in the programme, from the  Principal in his speech and from the students.  There were a lot of parents in attendance, also people who volunteer at the Centre during  term,  one of whom complimented me afterwards on Rotary’s involvement. 
Presentation to Secondary Introductory English Centre pnh 2016-04-12 14:00:00Z 0

PHF Second Pin Recognition

Past President Peter McDermott was presented with his PHF with 2nd pin at the Club meeting this week.  Peter Hill commented on Peter's significant contributions to RI, the Club and the community over many years in making the presentation.
PHF Second Pin Recognition pnh 2016-03-30 13:00:00Z 0

RCCS Board for 2016/17 Finalised

At a Special General Meeting held on 24 March the club endorsed Sue Bury as President Elect 16/17 (President for 17/18) and Gabrielle Lindfield as Director, filling the two remaining Board positions for next year.  The club congratulates both members and thanks them for their commitment.
RCCS Board for 2016/17 Finalised pnh 2016-03-23 13:00:00Z 0

New Members Welcomed

It was with great pleasure that the club welcomed Penny Ferguson and Simon Cullen as our newest members.  Both bring a wealth of experience and commitment to service in Rotary.  They are pictured with their sponsors, Sue and Peter McDermott respectively, and Peter Hill.
New Members Welcomed pnh 2016-03-23 13:00:00Z 0

Another Successful Trivia Night

The Club held its annual Trivia Night fund raising event on Friday night.  A crowd of approximately 150 filled the National Press Club auditorium and enjoyed a fun filled night of trivia, silent auctions and entertainment.  The event was hosted by 666 Radio personality Greg Bayliss.  Although the books are still being finalised, it appears likely that the event will have raised a similar amount to last year, at around $5,000.  The proceeds from the evening will go to DreamCricket.
Special thanks to the organising committee, comprising Peter Hill, Jill Bailey, Sue Bury, Ray Livingstone, Rosemary Everett and Bruce Osborn, with support from Toni Ferran.  Also so our many helpers on the night, including Josiah, Adrian, Leah and a number of club members.  And further thanks to the club members who made donations for silent auction items and trivia and raffle prizes.  Of note, John McKenna's magnificent workmanship in the beautifully crafted jewellery/trinket box.
Another Successful Trivia Night pnh 2016-03-20 13:00:00Z 0

Another Successful Trivia Night

The Club held its annual Trivia Night fund raising event on Friday night.  A crowd of approximately 150 filled the National Press Club auditorium and enjoyed a fun filled night of trivia, silent auctions and entertainment.  The event was hosted by 666 ABC Canberra radio personality Greg Bayliss.  Although the books are still being finalised, it appears likely that the event will have raised a similar amount to last year, at around $5,000.  The proceeds from the evening will go to DreamCricket.
Another Successful Trivia Night pnh 2016-03-20 13:00:00Z 0

RC Canberra Sunrise Trivia Night - Tickets still available!

Come and join us for a Trivia Fundraising night at The National Press Club of Australia.

Win a prize for being the best team. Bid on amazing auction items. Take part in the raffle for a chance to win amazing prizes!

Book Here!


This is all about raising money to support a local youth charity.  So come along and support a wonderful local charity, Dream Cricket.  For more information on Dream Cricket, please visit their website.

For more information, please email

RC Canberra Sunrise Trivia Night - Tickets still available! 2016-03-12 13:00:00Z 0

Air Time for Rotary,Rotaract and Trivia Night

On Saturday morning Peter Hill, Jonathan Lyall and Rebecca Bamford (District Rotaract Representative 2015/16) were interviewed by Greg Bayliss on ABC Radio's Saturday Breakfast show.  The interview covered a range of subjects including the challenges service clubs such as Rotary are facing and opportunities that Rotary and Rotaract offer.  The interview also highlighted the annual Trivia Night coming up on Friday 18th March, and provided some background on DreamCricket, the beneficiary from the Trivia Night fund raising.  Pictured are our team in the studio with Greg Bayliss on air in the background.
Air Time for Rotary,Rotaract and Trivia Night pnh 2016-03-11 13:00:00Z 0

Successful End Polio Fundraiser

Club members held a fund raising dinner recently, raising funds for Rotary's End Polio campaign - see the website for more details.  Donations raised totalled $1,030, which was a fantastic result.  This is even better when noting that for every dollar Rotary raises for this cause, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation contributes another two dollars.  It was also a great fellowship evening, and included a quiz on Polio introducing members to some interesting facts about the disease and the campaign.
Successful End Polio Fundraiser pnh 2016-03-05 13:00:00Z 0
Trivia Night Fund Raiser Tickets Still Available pnh 2016-03-05 13:00:00Z 0

End Polio Dinner Fundraiser

The club's End Polio dinner was a great night of fellowship and fund raising, with approximately $1,000 being raised for the cause.  The evening also included a short quiz on Rotary's great work in combating polio since 1985, and sale of some Polio pennies that had recently been re-located.  Great food, great company and a great cause.

End Polio Dinner Fundraiser pnh 2016-02-27 13:00:00Z 0

Inspirational Journey Shared

Last week's guest speaker, Jeremy Scott, provided an inspirational talk on his life journey, from a four year old having major heart surgery to riding a push bike around the world.  His talk, also the name of his book, was The Long Road From A Broken Heart.  This two and a half year journey from 2011-2014 covered 29 countries and 52,000 kilometres, with many adventures.  Funds raised from the journey and 10% of his book sales go to supporting the Heart Foundation, in thanks for his life saving operation.
Jeremy's story brought out many lessons, relevant to us all.  Some of these included: 
*  break any big challenges into smaller, manageable chunks,
*  set review points on your life journey and take the time to celebrate each achievement,
*  look out for the beautiful side of humanity - sometimes we are too busy to appreciate it,
*  learn from your experiences and failures, and
*  be prepared to have a go.
Further information about Jeremy's journey or his book are available at
Inspirational Journey Shared pnh 2016-02-25 13:00:00Z 0

Great Fundraiser and Fellowship

Posted on Feb 20, 2016
After supporting the Canberra Grammar School and Sony Foundation weekend last year, the Club was invited to run a fund raising BBQ as part of Canberra Grammar School’s ‘Whole School Family Picnic Day’ on Friday night.  A small team of volunteers rallied to Jonathan's call for assistance, enjoyed a busy session at the BBQ, and achieved a wonderful profit of over $1680.  This will certainly bolster our end of year disbursements.  Leftovers were also passed on to the Yellow Van.  So a wonderful outcome.  Thank you to all who contributed to the activity. 
Great Fundraiser and Fellowship pnh 2016-02-19 13:00:00Z 0

Not Too Late to Join the End Polio Dinner - Saturday 27 February

There is still plenty of room for more people to come along to the club's End Polio dinner, to be held at Peter Hill's home (10 Fereday Street, Weston) from 6pm on Saturday 27th February.  Bring a plate to share and something to drink.  Entry donation to End Polio ($25 per head or what you can afford).  If you are able to come along and have not yet RSVP's, please let Peter know by email on, or by phone on 0412 297 257.
If you are not able to make it but would like to offer a donation for the End Polio cause, please also let Peter know.  To date we have $375 in donations from those that cannot make it).
Remember, for every dollar we raise, the Bill Gates Foundation donates $2 for the cause.
Should be some fun and good fellowship - hope to see you there.
Not Too Late to Join the End Polio Dinner - Saturday 27 February pnh 2016-02-19 13:00:00Z 0
Rotarians Against Malaria Newsletter 2016-02-13 13:00:00Z 0

On-going success in the Battle against Polio

Rotary recently released latest news in the battle against polio. It shows that 'wild' cases of polio around the world decreased to only 72 in 2015 (down from 359 the previous year), and occurred in only two countries (down from 9 in 2014).
This fight is very close to being won!
On-going success in the Battle against Polio 2016-01-31 13:00:00Z 0

Return of Youth Exchange Student from Germany

The Club welcomed returning Youth Exchange student, Fiona, from her 12 month exchange to Verden in Germany last week.  Fiona gave members a brief overview of some of the highlights of her trip.  She also passed on a letter from her host club, the Rotary Club of Verden Jugenddienst in Rotary District 1850, which provided a very positive view of Fiona's stay with them - brief extract is provided below:
"Fiona made our club very happy through her presence at club meetings, her helpfulness, honesty, her adaptability, and her dry sense of humour.  She has a place in the hearts of her host families.  In her free time she used the opportunity to do work experience in the ear, nose and throat clinic of one of our members and work experience at the hospital."
She also performed best in the District on her German test.
Clearly Fiona enjoyed the exchange greatly, and has developed considerably through the experience.  Fiona has indicated that she would like to stay in touch and perhaps support the club in some its activities.
Return of Youth Exchange Student from Germany pnh 2016-01-30 13:00:00Z 0

New Member Welcomed

The Club celebrated the induction of our newest member, Gabrielle, last week.  Gabrielle is pictured below with President Peter and Sue Bury.  Sue is also pictured receiving a pin for sponsoring new members last year.
New Member Welcomed pnh 2016-01-30 13:00:00Z 0

Helping Give Communities@Work Clients a Christmas Meal to Remember

Sometimes in the middle of family fun and festivities at Christmas we can overlook that there are people doing it tough in Canberra.  RCCS members supported Communities@Work Gunghalin in delivering a wonderful Christmas meal for about 50 Communities@Work clients, including some homeless people and others just doing it tough, including a number of families.  The meal was of restaurant quality - prepared be Pene, a volunteer who is a chef.  Our members spent 2 days on site, helping to prepare the food, set up the hall, decorate, cook, serve and clean up.  It was a great event all round.
The following message was received from Communities@Work: "I would also like to say a big thankyou to you and your team for being apart of the day and just jumping in and helping. The team was an absolute pleasure to work with and the day would not have been such a success without you all. I hope we can do more things in the future. Please pass on my thankyou to everyone who was involved."
Helping Give Communities@Work Clients a Christmas Meal to Remember pnh 2015-12-18 13:00:00Z 0

RCCS Continues Support for Secondary Introductory English Centre

Canberra Sunrise continued its long association with the Secondary Introductory English Centre (SIEC) on Thursday 17 December with the awarding of the ‘Sunrise Award’ (over $250 worth of items to assist with school) at their graduation assembly to Paw K’Pru Moo.
Paw K’Pru is a 16 year old student from Myanmar/Thailand.  She arrived in Australia with her family in July 2014 and enrolled in the SIEC in August 2014.  Her citation read ‘she is a kind and giving young lady who has worked hard to learn English since her arrival at the SIEC. She is the first student to greet and welcome new students to try to make them feel comfortable and included.  Her friendliness and enthusiasm shine through and she is a joy to have in class…This term she went to Sydney to deliver a speech as part of an Introductory English Schools Oratory Showcase.  She shared her refugee story with an audience of over 100 people, who were touched and impressed with her brave presentation.’
Past President Bob Nield presented Paw K’Pru with a framed ‘Sunrise Certificate’ and a box of educational aids and a gift voucher.
RCCS Continues Support for Secondary Introductory English Centre pnh 2015-12-18 13:00:00Z 0

RCCS Christmas Break

Please note that the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise is taking a short break over Christmas.  Our next Club meeting will be held on 28th January 2016.
Please note that the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) has the following events in January which you are encouraged to consider attending/supporting, as a makeup (details and registration through District website ( or Tony Trumble ( :
  • home host on Sunday 10th January and/or Sunday 24th January
  • NYSF dinners on on Thursday 7th and 21st of January at the Hellenic Club (register on District website).
RCCS Christmas Break pnh 2015-12-18 13:00:00Z 0

DreamCricket Support to Queanbeyan Festival of Ability

Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise supported the Queanbeyan festival of Ability held on 4th December, providing a DreamCricket clinic throughout the festivities.  Dreamricket involves providing a range of cricket related games and activities associated for children with a disability, encouraging participation in sport.  More information on this program is available at
The festival of Ability is a free community event that celebrates the International Day of People with a Disability.  The festival was an evening filled with fun for the whole family, that featured a wide range of activities, including live on stage performances from Amber Nichols (a contestant from ‘The voice’), Jetson 5, local schools, “Legs” dance troop, a jumping castle, face painting, glitter tattoos and DreamCricket.
DreamCricket Support to Queanbeyan Festival of Ability pnh 2015-12-10 13:00:00Z 0

Please Consider NYSF Home Host (one day) - January

The National Youth Science Festival organisers have advised that they are well down on the number of volunteers for home host on Sunday 10th and/or Sunday 24th January.  The key requirements are have a house the students can be taken to, have a washing machine and be able to provide lunch and dinner.  This is a day off from the busy NYSF schedule, so the students will most likely be looking to rest up and relax.  You are not expected to provide a tour of the city or anything else.
The working with vulnerable people clearance is not required as the home hosts will not be keeping students overnight.  More details are provided below.
Three RCCS members are currently supporting this initiative.  Please consider if you can join them.
If you can assist, please register at
Please Consider NYSF Home Host (one day) - January pnh 2015-11-27 13:00:00Z 0

Trivia Night 2016 Planning

The club Board has confirmed the date for next year's Trivia Night will be Friday 18th March, 2016, and that the charity beneficiary for the event will be DreamCricket.
Toni Ferran has agreed to lead the organising team, and will be seeking volunteers to assist on the organising team in the next week or two; with an aim to be starting to seek sponsorship before Christmas.  Please start thinking about options for sponsorship.
Trivia Night 2016 Planning pnh 2015-11-26 13:00:00Z 0

Great Speakers in November

One of the features of the Club is the number of interesting speakers we are privileged to welcome on most Thursday mornings. Earlier this month, we were joined by Ian McWaters from Street Swags, who spoke about his work distributing swags for homeless people around Canberra. Ian was an impassioned and inspiring advocate for more simple humanity towards these people, many of whom find themselves without a home through no fault of their own.
The following week, our speaker was Mr Tom Chen, of the ANU National Security College, who gave a fascinating insight into the rise of China and its potential future direction.
Great Speakers in November 2015-11-20 13:00:00Z 0
Latest RAWCS Rover Newsletter 2015-11-20 13:00:00Z 0

Club Welcomes Two New Members

At the club meeting on 10 November, two new members, Ray Livingstone and Neil Spalding, were inducted into the club.  Both Ray and Neil attended the club's membership information evening on 1st October, and have attended a number of breakfast meetings since.  Welcome Neil and Ray to the worldwide Rotary network.  Ray and Neil and pictured with President Peter Hill and their sponsors - Sue Bury and Alan McCulloch.
Club Welcomes Two New Members pnh 2015-11-14 13:00:00Z 0

Club Farewells Peace Fellow Kate Kimmer

The Club held a social function last week to farewell Rotary Peace Fellow Kate Kimmer.  Kate, from the USA, is studying in Japan, and has been in Canberra for 5 months working with the Salvation Army and state and federal agencies to help address people trafficking in Australia.  Her work is focusing on some of the policy aspects, particularly around the sex industry.  Kate has been a regular at club meetings and has impressed all with her enthusiasm for Rotary (having also been a Youth Exchange Program participant) but also for supporting club activities.  After a 10 day trip back home to spend time with her family, Kate will return to Japan to complete her studies.  The club wishes Kate all the best for her studies looks forward to hearing of her future endeavours.  Thanks to John and Judy McKenna for their hosting of Kate over the period.
The photo below shows members celebrating Kate's work and bidding her farewell.
Club Farewells Peace Fellow Kate Kimmer pnh 2015-11-14 13:00:00Z 0

Afternoon Tea and Creativity event

The club held an social Afternoon Tea and Creativity event on 1st November with about 40 members and friends attending.  A wonderful array of about a dozen hobbies and creativity items were displayed, with one highlight being a Scottish Dancing exhibition. There were also exhibitions of woodwork, art, photos and a number of other works and hobbies from members and friends. A fun time was had by all, and proceeds from the event will support club activities, and proceeds from the sale of a beautiful side table will go to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
Afternoon Tea and Creativity event pnh 2015-11-05 13:00:00Z 0

Afternoon Tea and Creativity Event

The club held an social Afternoon Tea and Creativity event on 1st November with about 40 members and friends attending.  A wonderful array of about a dozen hobbies and creativity items were displayed, with one highlight being a Scottish Dancing exhibition. There were also exhibitions of woodwork, art, photos and a number of other works and hobbies from members and friends. A fun time was had by all, and proceeds from the event will support club activities, and proceeds from the sale of John McKenna's beautiful side table will go to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
Thanks to Sue and Mike for the organisation and for offering their apartment for the event, and for all who came along and made this such an enjoyable event.  
Afternoon Tea and Creativity Event 2015-11-05 13:00:00Z 0
Supporting The Leukaemia Foundation's Light the Night pnh 2015-10-16 13:00:00Z 0

Hat Day Party Supporting Australian Rotary Health

The club supported Australian Rotary Health's Hat Day initiative, which focuses funding on programs to address mental health issues in Australia, particularly with younger Australians.  The proceeds from the fines session and additional donations all went to this great cause.  A glimpse of the array of hats on display is provided in the photo below.  Further information on Australian Rotary Health is available at
Hat Day Party Supporting Australian Rotary Health pnh 2015-10-08 13:00:00Z 0

Canberra Sunrise Supporting Floriade Gnomes

Over the last few weeks there have been many very happy kids, teens and adults leaving Floriade with boxes full of meticulously painted gnomes.
Many RC Canberra Sunrise members have been supporting the gnome painting activity, which is an annual Rotary fundraiser, but also a wonderful community service event.  Many families return every year to add another gnome to the garden collection.
Canberra Sunrise Supporting Floriade Gnomes 2015-10-03 14:00:00Z 0

Membership Information Night a Success

The Club held its first Member Information Night on 1 October.  Members were joined by 16 guests, who came along to learn a little about Rotary and the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise. Primarily a casual networking evening, Peter Hill, Claire Scott and Jill Bailey provided three different and motivating short speeches on what Rotary means to them, all of which seemed well received.
Quite a few guests indicated on leaving that they would be considering joining Rotary, and three have booked in for this Thursday's club breakfast meeting. 
The success of the evening was due to the wonderful work of the membership team - thanks very much to all who were involved in the planning and running of the function.  Thanks also to the members who covered the cost of guests drinks on the night.  Finally, the Hellenic Club did a marvelous job supporting the event, donating the room hire for the night. We look forward to seeing the fruits of the evening over coming weeks and months.
Membership Information Night a Success pnh 2015-10-02 14:00:00Z 0

Supporting Australian Rotary Health's Hat Day Initiative

Friday October 9 is Hat Day, an initiative of Australian Rotary Health. The money raised during this year's Hat Day campaign goes directly to research helping the one in five Australians affected by depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and many other illnesses.
In support of the great work that Australian Rotary Health does in the area of mental health research, this week's club meeting on 8 October will be a Hat Day function.  The club will donate the money raised from its fines session this week, along with any additional club member donations on the day, to Australian Rotary Health.  We would love to see you join in with the theme, and wear a hat of some kind to the meeting.  
See more information on Hat Day at
Supporting Australian Rotary Health's Hat Day Initiative pnh 2015-10-02 14:00:00Z 0
End Polio Now Charity Movie Night 2015-09-30 14:00:00Z 0

Canberra Sunrise Continues Support for Dickson College Secondary Introductory English Centre (SIEC)

President Peter attended the Dickson College Secondary Introductory English Centre (SIEC) graduation ceremony for this term to provide an award from the club.  This award recognises a student who has been a good role model through the course, and comprises over $200 of items and vouchers that will assist the student in their ongoing schooling, such as a calculator, exercise books, folders, an atlas, a dictionary and a number of ancillaries.
By way of background, the SIEC provides provides newly arrived overseas students with minimal or no English, with an intensive English as a Second Language (ESL) course. Students then proceed to a main stream high school or college. The number of school terms students spend at the Centre depends on their progress.  The Club approached the SIEC in early 2011 to discuss how the club could, in a small way, assist refugee students at the school. The teaching staff suggested an award, which they have called the Sunrise Rotary Achievement Award, to a graduating student from a refugee or disadvantaged migrant background who the school considers has been a role model to other students during their time at the Centre.
It was a very rewarding experience for me to attend the graduation ceremony.  The students ran the ceremony, entertained us with a number of plays and culminated in a wonderful dance routine, in which they all had a lot of fun.  Morning tea after the ceremony provided an opportunity to meet some of the students and their families, most of whom are newly arrived migrants.  The motivation levels of the students was clear, in talking to them about their aspirations and dreams.
The award recipient for this term was Hamasa, a bubbly 18 year old young lady from Afghanistan, who arrived in Australia just 6 months ago.  Hamasa and her younger brother, who was also on the course, both want to be doctors.  Hamasa will go into main stream Year 11 next year.  She was very thankful for the award.
A great Rotary moment!
Canberra Sunrise Continues Support for Dickson College Secondary Introductory English Centre (SIEC) pnh 2015-09-25 14:00:00Z 0

Club Meeting Format Adjustments

At the Club SGM meeting held on 24 September, 22 members voted on four resolutions relating to reduced formalities in meeting procedures, culminating over 6 months of consultation on these matters (including a club survey, the club planning meeting and two club assemblies).  All four resolutions were passed, with 15, 18, 18 and 19 votes respectively.  This means that future club meetings will commence with a toast to Rotary International only (the Rotary Grace and toast to the Queen and people of Australia will no longer form part of the proceedings). The President may include other toasts on special occasions.  Thanks to Vice President Russ Walls and his team for their work in this area.
The role of leading the toast to RI will continue to be rotated through members.
Club Meeting Format Adjustments pnh 2015-09-25 14:00:00Z 0

Help Needed For Lifeline Event - 1 November - Contact Jill

Lifeline saves the lives of many Canberreans and is a most valuable community service within the Canberra community.  They do receive funding from the Government but must rely of many other fund raising activities to provide their most valuable services to our community.  As Rotary has a motto of ‘Service beyond Self’  we can assist Lifeline by providing 12 willing and community minded people to attend a drinks station for their next fund raising event. Majura Parkway Fun Run
Sunday 1 November 2015
Arrival 4.30am (see the beautiful sunrise over the hills) be provided with hi-vis vests, water bottle and sign in
5.00 – 5.45am Drink Station setup.
6.00am Half Marathon
7.00am 10 km run
7.30am 5km run
11.00am pack up and tidy up sit.
What a great opportunity to make Canberra Sunrise Rotary visible to 2000 people.  Engagement with the runners who participate and their support team there could be a few people who want to join Canberra Sunrise Rotary. A new group to target.
Please think about the support we can give to Lifeline who give Crisis Support, and Suicide Prevention to our community.
Reply by email as soon as possible to  Jill -
Help Needed For Lifeline Event - 1 November - Contact Jill 2015-09-25 14:00:00Z 0

UN Women Presentation

Today the UN Women Fundraising Director Janelle Weissman spoke with Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise about UN Women's work. A number of members were keen to register their support in signing the #HeForShe pledge (see photo).
Janelle, a former Rotary Youth Exchange student in Belgium and a Peace Scholar, spoke passionately about social justice work in the Pacific region, noting much still remains to be done in many Pacific nations in areas including empowerment of women and reducing violence against women.
UN Women Presentation 2015-09-09 14:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Foundation Earns Eighth Straight 4-Star Rating

The Rotary Foundation earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, the largest and most prestigious independent evaluator of nonprofits in the United States.
This year’s top distinction is the Foundation’s eighth in a row, which places the Foundation in the top 2 percent of U.S.-based charities. In a letter to the Foundation, Charity Navigator President and CEO Michael Thatcher wrote, “Receiving four out of a possible four stars indicates that your organization adheres to good governance and other best practices that minimize the chance of unethical activities and consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way.
“This exceptional designation from Charity Navigator differentiates The Rotary Foundation from its peers and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust,” Thatcher said.
The Rotary Foundation Earns Eighth Straight 4-Star Rating pnh 2015-09-05 14:00:00Z 0

Insights From Rotary Peace Fellow Kate Kimmer

Kate Kimmer, who is currently undergoing her Peace Fellow studies in Japan, and undertaking her field work activity in Canberra, provided an insightful look into the focus of her studies and field work, being the policy management around people trafficking.  Kate briefly outlined her Rotary pedigree, having done Youth Exchange in both Thailand and Brazil, which have had a significant impact on her life.  She highlighted that the problem is not a minor or remote one, with 29.8 million people understood to be in slavery today around the world, and 3,000 or so (probably under-reported) here in Australia.  Kate gave an insight into her field work with the Freedom Partnership - see more at 
Insights From Rotary Peace Fellow Kate Kimmer pnh 2015-09-02 14:00:00Z 0

Polio - another victory!

On 11 August, we marked a tremendous milestone: one full year without a single case of polio caused by wild poliovirus in Africa.

The magnitude of this achievement can hardly be overstated. A polio-free Africa has been within sight, so near and yet so far, for over a decade. The hard work and commitment that have brought us to this point have been nothing short of heroic, and Rotary has been at the heart of this achievement. Tens of thousands of health workers reached hundreds of millions of children with vaccine, in some of the most difficult conditions imaginable. Together, we have done what once seemed impossible: We have stopped polio in Africa.

Yet this progress, momentous as it is, is still fragile. As long as polio exists in the two remaining endemic countries of Pakistan and Afghanistan, the virus still has the potential to spread and to spark new outbreaks. Now, more than ever, we need the power of all of Rotary to carry us through to the end: not just a polio-free Africa, but a polio-free world.

Wherever you live, whether your country has just conquered polio or has been polio-free for decades, we need your voice, and your help. Together, we will keep polio front and center in our communities and on our national agendas, keeping up the energy and the momentum that will push us through to the finish. The battle in Africa has, for the moment, been won, but we need the strength of every Rotarian to help us win the war. Together, we will End Polio Now and truly Be a Gift to the World.
Polio - another victory! 2015-08-22 14:00:00Z 0

Sharon Chan Appeal

Channel 9 A Current Affair and Rotary are jointly running an appeal for Sharon Chan who lives in Gunning.  
Sharon Chan is 38 weeks pregnant with her third child.  Her first child, Oliver, is five year old Oliver and was born with Downs Syndrome.  Then 18 months ago the little fellow contracted Leukaemia so her husband Rob regularly has had to drive them to a Sydney hospital where Ollie gets chemotherapy.  Then last weekend her husband died of a suspected heart attack.  He was the bread winner.  There is now no money for Ollie’s treatment, the mortgage, and all those bills.
The public is being asked to support an appeal through Rotary to assist them.  Rotary will be a key partner in the solution by providing a tax deductible fund through the RAWCS (RABS) facility.
Donations can be made here.
Sharon Chan Appeal 2015-08-22 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary and the ANU bring the United Nations to Canberra

Seventy two high school students from around Australia gathered in Canberra for the weekend of 15/16 August for the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA).  In 27 teams representing their country of choice, they debated contemporary global issues related to peace and security, human rights, refugees, the environment, nuclear disarmament and violence against women. This was the 19th National MUNA conducted by The Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise with the support of the major sponsor, the Australian National University (ANU). MUNA was first introduced to Rotary in NSW in 1980 and, since then, has spread throughout most districts of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
Rotary and the ANU bring the United Nations to Canberra 2015-08-22 14:00:00Z 0

Charity Drive Presentation by the Rickshaw Run Canberra Team

Posted on Aug 08, 2015
The club had probably its biggest presenter line-up ever this week, with 9 cadets from ADFA and a young officer joining us to outline their planned 2500 km rickshaw ride through India in January 2016 to raise $10,000 to support the Dharapani Secondary School in a remote region in Nepal, near the epicentre of the recent earthquakes.
The team outlined their plan, and each of their roles and discussed how they would deal with some of the challenges involved.  The team are paying for their own transportation and other costs - meaning that every cent donated to the charity will go to the school.  Check them out on Facebook .  Donations can be made through their website or RAWCS.
We wish the team well in their endeavours, and look forward to perhaps hearing how things went after the event.
Charity Drive Presentation by the Rickshaw Run Canberra Team pnh 2015-08-07 14:00:00Z 0

Model United Nations Assembly In 2 Weeks

The Club's premier event, the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA)is just 2 weeks away.  This year we have 27 teams, and 73 students from right across the East Coast of Australia participating in this weekend long simulated debate on real issues facing the world.  The debate will be held in the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House and you can keep up with what is happening through the MUNA Facebook Page .  Our organising team have been working hard to tie down the final details of the event and it is looking great.
Model United Nations Assembly In 2 Weeks pnh 2015-08-01 14:00:00Z 0

DG Visit

The Club warmly welcomed District Governor Monica Garrett at its meeting this week.  Monica provided a wide ranging talk on her goals for the District and its clubs over the coming 12 months.  She stressed the need for continued support to the Rotary Foundation, growing membership, developing the leadership potential of members and developing opportunities for service.  She commended the Club for accepting her proposal to host a satellite club focused on meeting the needs of younger Rotarians.  
DG Visit pnh 2015-07-29 14:00:00Z 0

Assistance Dogs Australia Presentation

At our club meeting on 16th July, our own John McKenna spoke on the wonderful work of the Assistance Dogs Australia program, providing dogs for a range of care and relationship functions for people in need.  They provide support to people with disabilities such as paraplegia, quadriplegia, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, developmental disabilities such as autism, and mental health disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder. He provided personal reflections of his grandson who has benefited greatly from an assistance dog, Colonel.  John brought Colonel along to the meeting, and he won the hearts of club members.

John highlighted the high costs associated with training of each dog, and the work that goes into matching dog and the person needing support, and noted that dogs are placed free of charge to people who need them.  A heart warming presentation.



Assistance Dogs Australia Presentation 2015-07-18 14:00:00Z 0

Peace Fellow Visiting

The club welcomed Rotary Peace Fellow, Kate Kimmer to Australia and Canberra at its meeting on 16th July.  Kate, from the USA, has been studying in Japan, and is doing 3 months research work in Canberra.  While here she is being hosted by John and Judy McKenna.  We welcome Kate and look forward to hearing a little about her story and her research at a future meeting.
Peace Fellow Visiting pnh 2015-07-18 14:00:00Z 0

Congratulations to the Club's New PHF

President Peter McDermott presented Russ Walls with a Paul Harris Fellow at the Club meeting last Thursday.  In making the presentation, Peter recalled Russ's strong commitment and support to a range of club and service activities over a number of years, and highlighted his significant efforts as the Membership team leader over the last year.  Along with others in the Membership team, Russ has developed a membership plan and initiated a number of activities to support the club reaching out to new members and retaining current members.  Russ responded by thanking his Rotary friends.
Congratulations to the Club's New PHF pnh 2015-06-12 14:00:00Z 0

Shelterbox International

Readers will have seen that one of the chief ways in which RC Canberra Sunrise supports disaster relief operations is by contributing ShelterBoxes (ShelterBox aid is tailored to a disaster but typically includes a disaster relief tent for a family, thermal blankets and groundsheets, water storage and purification equipment, solar lamps, cooking utensils, a basic tool kit, mosquito nets and children’s activity pack).
This video gives a fascinating insight into the scale and  breadth of ShelterBox's operations.
Also available is an update on what is happening in specific areas. It is a sobering reminder that, long after a disaster vanishes from our screens, rebuilding continues.
Shelterbox International 2015-05-30 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary Peace Fellows visit Canberra

Each year, Rotary selects up to 100 individuals from around the world to receive fully funded academic fellowships at one of our peace centers. These fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship and field-study expenses. Two types of peace fellowships are available: a Master's degree at premier universities in fields related to peace and conflict prevention and resolution and Professional development certificate for experienced professionals working in peace-related fields who want to enhance their professional skills, there is a three-month program in peace and conflict prevention and resolution at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand.

In May, the cohort of Peace Fellows who are currently studying at the University of Queensland visited Canberra for a programme of cultural and Professional visits. A special dinner was held where local Rotarians were able to meet the Fellows and hear about their experiences and plans. Despite the wind, the visit was a great success.
Details of the Peace Fellows Programme can be found on the District 9710 website
Rotary Peace Fellows visit Canberra 2015-05-23 14:00:00Z 0

Violence Free Families

For many years,  Rotarians in District 9800 have supported a program known as Violence Free Families. VFF works to reduce family violence in all its forms.
Originally founded by the Rotary Club of Brighton, Victoria, Violence Free Families is now an independent national registered charity. It works in Research, Development and Education: improving existing behaviour change programs for violent men, developing new ones and supporting childhood education programs. VFF is led by a Board of Rotarians, community representatives and professionals.
Recently, the popular singer Colleen Hewett  has become an ambassador for Violence Free Families.  She gave a sensational performance at the recent District 9800 Conference  Gala dinner, singing her powerful new song, Shut Up and Let Me Breathe, which is about domestic violence. It was accompanied by a moving video clip of well-known personalities and children saying no to family violence.  Colleen’s tremendous  performance had such an impact on the Rotarians present that she has been invited to perform at the Rotary Zone 8 Institute in November.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott  is supporting Colleen’s efforts with regard to domestic violence and last week filmed a message which has been added to the video clip of her song.  He acknowledges the work of Rotary in the message. Yesterday the Melbourne Herald-Sun also promoted Colleen’s involvement with VFF and Abbott’s endorsement.
Violence Free Families 2015-05-17 14:00:00Z 0

Seeking Donations for Shelterbox for Nepal

Close on the heels of the Club donating a Shelterbox in response to Cyclone Pam,  members are digging deep again with a target of delivering another Shelterbox for Nepal, in the wake of the extensive and tragic earthquake that hit that country earlier this week.  
ShelterBox is sending a response team to the affected areas to determine immediate needs. Because of previous disasters in Nepal, the group already has tents and other nonfood items ready for deployment.  More information can be found at
Members who would like to contribute are asked to email Peter Hill with advice of the amount of the donation and whether you wish the payment to be made from your card or pay cash at the next club meeting.  The donations will be attributed to specific members and a tax receipt sought from Shelterbox for each donation.  Thanks for considering supporting this cause.
Seeking Donations for Shelterbox for Nepal 2015-05-03 00:00:00Z 0

Introducing our new Assistant Governor

Barbara Baikie has accepted DGE Monica's invitation to be Assistant Governor for the Group 13 cluster of Clubs for the coming Rotary year.
Barbara is a Past President of Hall Rotary Club, and has been District Chair of the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program (RYLA) since 2012-13.  She will relinquish that role at the end of this Rotary year.
We anticipate that Barbara will join us at the RCCS Changeover Lunch on 21st June.
Introducing our new Assistant Governor 2015-05-03 00:00:00Z 0

RC Canberra Sunrise Shelterbox Support for Nepal

Close on the heels of the Club donating a Shelterbox in response to Cyclone Pam, Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise members are digging deep again with a target of delivering another Shelterbox for Nepal, in the wake of the extensive and tragic earthquake that hit that country earlier this week.  
ShelterBox is sending a response team to the affected areas to determine immediate needs. Because of previous disasters in Nepal, the group already has tents and other nonfood items ready for deployment.  More information can be found at
RC Canberra Sunrise Shelterbox Support for Nepal 2015-05-03 00:00:00Z 0

Informative Presentation on IS Background and Context

At last week's meeting RCCS member Marwan provided an insightful and thought provoking presentation on the background and context of Islamic State.  His presentation was titled IS or Isn't - And What is it After all?  He provided an insight into the Khawirij (meaning those who have left the community, revolt), a movement emanating from over 1400 years ago and from which IS has emerged.  He also gave some personal reflections and observations on current related issues in Australia.  Thanks Marwan.
Informative Presentation on IS Background and Context 2015-04-25 00:00:00Z 0

D9710 Training Assembly

Five members of the Club spent the weekend in a very damp Tumut at the District Training Assembly over the last weekend.  Peter Hill, Rosemary Everett, Claire Scott, Russ Walls and Lisa Clutterham attended the Assembly, which showcased many of the wonderful aspects of Rotary, as well as providing useful guidance on a range of facets including visioning, communications, strengthening the club and much more.  It was also a great opportunity for networking, learning what other clubs are up to and meeting many other Rotarians.  
D9710 Training Assembly 2015-04-19 00:00:00Z 0

RCCS Support for Vanuatu In the Wake of Cyclone Pam

Posted on Apr 04, 2015
In line with a request from District 9710, the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise has contributed $2,000 to the RAWCS project - Rotary Australia - Vanuatu Cyclone Disaster recovery.  In addition, a number of members are providing personal donations through the Club to Shelterbox.

News has come from Port Resolution that the whole village is in ruin. All the local thatched roof houses were blown away by the cyclone, even the seas were very rough. Fortunately, community hall (the Interact Club of Telopea Park project), the clinic and the church are now housing the full community, while they slowly rebuild their lives. All gardens were destroyed, which means root crops have rotted, so the community will rely heavily on imported food, for the next 3 months in time for the fast crops to be ready for harvesting.
The Australian and French military are supplying the community with much needed food and water (airlifted from Lenakel). Roads were cleared up as of yesterday which means the disaster team are able to go to Port Resolution and do a proper assessment of the damage.


RCCS Support for Vanuatu In the Wake of Cyclone Pam Peter H 2015-04-04 00:00:00Z 0
Paying It Forward - Lifeline the Winner Peter H 2015-03-20 00:00:00Z 0

Cyclone Marcia Relief


Cyclone Marcia leaves a path of destruction in her wake

At its peak, Cyclone Marcia caused 69,500 premises to lose power, at least 1000 homes suffered structural damage and 385 properties have been deemed uninhabitable. The Insurance Council of Australia has received 8950 claims, with the estimated insurance losses now standing at $53.4 million. These numbers are confronting, but they are nothing compared to the human suffering the cyclone caused.

Donations can be made by clicking here
Cyclone Marcia Relief 2015-03-09 00:00:00Z 0

RCCS Trivia Night a great success

Posted on Mar 06, 2015
On 27th February the Club once again held a highly successful and enjoyable Trivia Night and Silent Auction at the National Press Club. Just over $5,000 was raised to support Technical Aid for the Disabled ACT (TADACT) - . This will allow the purchase of a number of items to assist enabling independence for people with disabilities of all ages.
ABC Radio's Andrea Ho was the MC for the evening and provided an engaging and fun experience for everyone.
A silent auction that included beautifully framed and signed Wallabies and Brumbies jerseys, some lovely art work, a range of vouchers and other sponsored items was very successful and contributed about half of the profits.
Special thanks to the organising committee for a great effort and especially the tireless efforts of the Trivia Night coordinator, Toni.
RCCS Trivia Night a great success pnh 2015-03-06 00:00:00Z 0

Register Now! World Water Summit 7 - WASH in Schools

You're invited to World Water Summit 7 with special guest Raya from the Sesame Street family!
Sesame Street's Raya has spent the past year helping to educate children in Bangladesh, India and Nigeria about sanitation and the importance of hygiene to good health. Raya, and some of the world's top water, sanitation and hygiene education experts, will be speaking at World Water Summit 7. With a special focus on WASH in Schools, the Summit will help you organize, manage, evaluate, and fund WASH projects. You and your guests are invited to register today for the June 4, 2015 Summit (the day before the International Convention) at the Renaissance Hotel in Sao Paulo. See you in Brazil!  
Above: Raya talks with former Rotary International President and Wasrag Chair Bill Boyd about hygiene education at the recent RI Assembly. Check out their personal video* invitation to the Summit here.
 *TM/© 2015 Sesame Workshop Photo Credit: © Rotary International/Alyce Henson

  Keep in touch with others interested in water, sanitation, health & hygiene...
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Water & Sanitation Rotarian Action Group | P.O. Box 114, Suite 1910 | 121 King Street West | Toronto | Ontario | Canada
Register Now! World Water Summit 7 - WASH in Schools 2015-02-08 00:00:00Z 0

Queanbeyan Relay for Life - particpate and support!

Queanbeyan Relay for Life
February 21st & 22nd
Where: Queanbeyan Showgrounds, Queanbeyan
Time: 9:15am Saturday - 10am Sunday
Queanbeyan Relay for Life 2015 is coming....
Help us to Celebrate, Remember and Fightback against Cancer
In the Queanbeyan City Community.
This is Queanbeyan’s very own Relay for Life event and we are encouraging all of our local community members and businesses to get involved and hit the track in 2015. So many people in our local community have been touched by Cancer. Some are survivors, some have memories of those lost to Cancer, some are still on their Cancer journey, and many will have Cancer enter their world today, tomorrow or in the future. Why 24 hours.....a cancer patient’s battle is on going 24 hours a day...
Come join in the fun, even if you can only come along for an hour or two
Who will your team relay for?
Register at , search for Queanbeyan in the top right, and create a team
Organisers are also looking for local businesses to donate prizes, gift cards and/or food items for the event.
The prizes will serve as incentives for participants to keep on walking, reward those who have raised the most money in the fight against cancer and participants that have come up with the most novel way to promote to others cancer smart lifestyles, thereby reducing their risk of developing cancer.
Your company will be recognised throughout the event via program acknowledgement and MC announcements. If you’d like to donate a good or service then please contact Natalie Jupe
Queanbeyan Relay for Life - particpate and support! 2015-02-01 00:00:00Z 0

RCCS Christmas Breakfast

Posted by Peter Hill
The final club meeting for the year was a festive, fun breakfast with a Christmas theme, Christmas quizes and of course our lovely view from the Deck.  A good crowd, including family guests from as far away as Mexico and Peru (Hill and Bury family members) and a number of member's partners enjoyed a relaxing and social time together.  It was a great way to end what has been a busy year for the club.  Thanks to Jill Bailey and her elf friend for organising a wonderful event.
RCCS Christmas Breakfast Peter Hill 2014-12-22 00:00:00Z 0
Sussex Inlet Duck Dash 2014-12-22 00:00:00Z 0

Queanbeyan Relay for Life Needs You!

If you cannot see this email please click here for the online version
Relay For Life logo
Queanbeyan Relay for Life 2015
forward to a friend
Queanbeyan Relay for Life – February 21 & 22
Help to honour those whose lives have been touched by cancer and provide hope to those fighting the disease.  Celebrate life and by joining your friends, family, workmates, cancer survivors and their carers at the Queanbeyan Showgrounds for the 2015 Queanbeyan Relay For Life.
   Registrations are now open….
“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear”
Relay For Life
February 21 - 22
Queanbeyan Showgrounds
Queanbeyan Relay for Life Needs You! 2014-12-15 00:00:00Z 0

Registration open: World Water Summit 7 4/6/15 - Sao Paulo

WWS 7 News 
December 7, 2014
 Please join us! 
World Water Summit 7 
Sao Paulo, Brazil 
Thursday, June 4, 2015 
Immediately before the 
Rotary International Convention 
Water, sanitation, and hygiene education (WASH) forms one of the six areas of focus for The Rotary Foundation, and Rotary Clubs around the world. Rotarians with a particular interest in WASH have come together through Wasrag - the Water & Sanitation Rotarian Action Group,to share experiences, learn, and provide program support to clubs, districts, and their partners.
Each year Wasrag sponsors a one-day Summit, held
immediately before the Rotary International Convention,
that focuses on important aspects of WASH. The 2015 Summit theme is WASH in Schools, and will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil. 
Investing in WASH in Schools has proven results. 
Children spending significant time in school need access to safe drinking water, hand washing facilities, comfortable and clean sanitation facilities, and training on WASH. And we know that children take knowledge and practices home - resulting in a secondary impact of improvements at home. Rotary Clubs can make huge contributions to the global goal of good WASH facilities in all primary and secondary schools around the world.  
REGISTER EARLY!   Learn about approaches to WASH in schools, technology issues, "the software" side of things, hygiene education kits and resources, opportunities to partner, how to monitor and evaluate results, how this relates to the other Areas of Focus, and much more.
Register NOW for:  World Water Summit 7 
Theme: WASH in School
For more information download the  Flyer, or visit our  Website.
Early Bird bottom

  Keep in touch with others interested in water, sanitation, health & hygiene...
Find us on Facebook     View our profile on LinkedIn    Follow us on Twitter
Wasrag - Start With Water
Registration open: World Water Summit 7 4/6/15 - Sao Paulo 2014-12-15 00:00:00Z 0

Telopea Park Interact Club receives award

At the recent Telopea Park School awards night, the Telopea Park Interact Club received the District 9710 International award for their Port Resolution School Hall project. The photo shows Susan Alexander who initiated the project through the Club with the current President. Congratulations are due on a fantastic effort and outstanding result!
Telopea Park Interact Club receives award 2014-12-15 00:00:00Z 0

Another Satisfied Yard Tidy Customer

An enthusiastic team of four met on Saturday morning, armed with a range of garden tools, to provide a clean up of a small yard in Higgins, owned a by lady that is unable to stand for long, leading to the yard needing some work.  The team met all challenges 'head on' (no pun intended, Bruce, for all the head butts on the low clothes line).  The work was completed in around 2 hours just before the storms came in, and left the owner very happy and appreciative.  Thanks to the team members, Bruce, Peter H, Fiona and Leonie for a great job.
Another Satisfied Yard Tidy Customer Peter Hill 2014-12-06 00:00:00Z 0

Zac's Place

The Club heard this week from Ros and Glenn Stewart, who have spent several years developing Zac's Place Inc, a community centre which has been set up in Yass to help those in need and those who find themselves on the fringes of society.  Ros told of their journey to this point, where they are running drop ins, meals and youth activities for those in need, and also of their plans for development of an emergency house accommodation using a renovated old house in Harden.  Their enthusiasm was infectious and their work ethic admirable (doing all this while both are still working full time).  For more information, check out Zac's Place's web site - or check them out on Facebook. 
Zac's Place Peter Hill 2014-12-04 00:00:00Z 0

A Fascinating and Inspiring Journey - Naing Ko Ko

This week's speaker at Canberra Sunrise's breakfast meeting was past Rotary Peace Fellow Naing Ko Ko - a man that has been on a courageous journey, described as powerful and uplifting, but also sobering.
He spoke of his life journey, growing up in Burma (now Myanmar) and being involved in the fledgling democracy movement.  He was arrested in 1992 for his involvement in pro-democracy and human rights movements, and incarcerated for 7 years.  There were many difficulties and he survived a very tough environment, and continued his struggle for the people of Burma (Myanmar).  He was awarded the Amnesty International Human Rights Defender Award in 2010 in recognition of his tireless commitment and courage demonstrated in his struggle for human rights in Myanmar.  He was nominated for and won a Rotary Peace Fellowship in 2012. Rotary Peace Fellowships fund some of the world’s most dedicated and brightest professionals to study at our Rotary Peace Centers. These fellows are committed to the advancement of peace, and often go on to serve as leaders in national governments, NGOs, the military, law enforcement, and international organizations such as the United Nations and World Bank.
Naing Ko Ko is currently undertaking his PhD at ANU, focusing on ways to manage corruption.  A fascinating and inspiring journey.
If you know of anyone who might be an appropriate candidate for a Rotary Peace Fellowship, please contact the District 9710 Peace Fellows Chair, Garth Britton.

A Fascinating and Inspiring Journey - Naing Ko Ko Peter Hill 2014-11-28 00:00:00Z 0

Tribute to Four Brothers

Following the military theme from the previous week, when Tom Trumble engagingly told the story of a relative who led a team left on Timor in World War 2, member Don Erickson was this week's speaker, telling the story of his father and three uncles who all volunteered for service in World War I.  Ably supported by Margaret's Powerpoint presentation, Don briefly walked through the story of each, from the time of enlistment.  It was a moving tribute to his relatives, culminating in some photos of the names of his fallen uncles recently being displayed on the War memorial light show.  The meeting fittingly concluded, in this Remembrance Day week, with the Ode of Remembrance. Don is pictured below giving the talk.
Tribute to Four Brothers Peter Hill 2014-11-15 00:00:00Z 0

World Interact Week

Although this is now over, some of the links and ideas around World Interact Week are still current and very relevant!
World Interact Week 2014-11-09 00:00:00Z 0
Berrima Gaolbreak Australia Day 2015 - Be part of it! 2014-11-04 00:00:00Z 0
Giving & Grants - Latest Foundation Newsletter 2014-11-03 00:00:00Z 0

Days for Girls project

Days for Girls won the worldwide “Girls Challenge” on “CrowdRise” ahead of all other charities, a total of US$135,000 for Days for Girls America, yeepee!
The Days for Girls project is all about giving poor girls an equal chance with boys for education, in countries where girls have no means to manage their period. Many make do with corn-husks, newspapers, furniture stuffing etc., in order to be able to leave house and go to school. That, leads to infections and even more schooling lost and later on to possible Illiteracy, early marriage and large families. Knowledge of their ‘mature’ situation makes them ‘available’, these girls will have children before their bodies are ready for it!
Days for Girls washable kits cost $10 to make and $16 include shipping, distribution and education, lasts for 3 years, giving them dignity and education and a better chance in life. Kits are culturally appropriate and being washable are environmentally friendly as these very places lack means of disposal.
Will you join us in giving more girls a chance? Even a small donation helps reach the $25,000 start-up cost of producing an ‘in-country’ cottage industry, giving added employment in the Philippines. Visit or to realise what a marvellous innovative and inexpensive international female hygiene project Days for Girls is.  We are Seeking individual donations of $16 or multiples thereof, or companies/clubs $160.
Thank you Crow’s Nest Rotary Club for donating $5,333  =  for 333 DfG kits, the price of dignity for 333 girls!!!!  -  or 1,000 YEARS of education!!!!
  • The motto:       Every girl. Everywhere. Period    is for girl’s dignity and education and all that for 3 years for only $16!!!
  • Kits:                  Kits and donations in kind: Walter Bock, every bit helps
  • Donations:       Visit: click ‘Donate’ enter project: 042 - 2008/09, click ‘Find this project’ then ‘Donate now’
Days for Girls project 2014-10-12 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Inspirational Women Awards 2015

Clubs are encouraged to put forward at least one nominee for the Rotary Inspirational Women Awards 2015, which has been run in alternate years.  This will be the third such event (2011 was the first year).
The Rotary Inspirational Women Awards 2015 are to be presented at a gala luncheon in Sydney on Sunday 8 March 2015(International Women’s Day) at Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont NSW.  All ACT & NSW Rotary Districts have partnered with Inner Wheel to promote this event and we are now seeking nominations for these prestigious awards.
The idea behind the awards is to highlight the work done in our communities by quiet achievers about whom little is known outside family and social circles, but whose efforts make a significant difference.  It is not about achieving high levels or status in one’s chosen profession, but about serving the community and as our Rotary motto states ‘Rotary About Self’.  It is directed at the non-Rotary community. It is about commitment, dedication, perseverance and proactivity improving the lives of others.
Any queries about the awards can be directed to the District Chair of the Rotary Inspirational Women Awards 2015 committee at on mobile 0409 924 047. 
Rotary Inspirational Women Awards 2015 2014-10-12 00:00:00Z 0

RCCS and Rotary Contribution to Boundless Canberra All Abilities Playground Recognised at Playground Opening

The Centenary of Canberra National Children’s Playground was formally opened at a ceremony on the site on 11th October, attended by many families and many of those involved in bringing the project to this stage.  Lynne Duckham and Peter Hill attended the official opening and were very impressed with what the RCCS Trivia Night and D9710 /Rotary Foundation funding delivered and also the recognition provided as a Gold sponsor for the project.  
RCCS and Rotary Contribution to Boundless Canberra All Abilities Playground Recognised at Playground Opening Peter Hill 2014-10-11 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary - RAWCS and Ebola

There is an urgent appeal for Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) project in Bo, Sierra Leone (RAWCS Project No. 46/2007-07 sponsored by the Rotary Club of Turramurra) whose aim is to build and extend the Bo Children’s Hospital and to provide hygiene and basic health care and education. The hospital now has a need of the highest order to provide an isolation ward. A quarantine ward has been on the project list for some time but now it is not an overstatement to say it is a matter of life and death. $40,000 is urgently needed.
Online donations can be made here
Rotary - RAWCS and Ebola 2014-09-12 00:00:00Z 0

It's Rotary Peace Day on 21/9
How do you plan to celebrate Peace Day?

Millions of individuals and organizations will mark the International Day of Peace on 21 September by creating practical acts of peace, advocating for peace, and building public awareness. Here are 10 ways you can commemorate the annual day of global ceasefire and nonviolence:
  1. Engage co-workers, students, and your community in Peace Day events. Check out The Pocket Book of Peace and International Day of Peace websites.
  2. Watch the inspiring Ted talk by Peace One Day founder Jeremy Gilley.
  3. Organize friends, co-workers, or your community to observe one minute of silence at noon local time on 21 September, uniting in solidarity with millions around the world.
  4. Join the Rotarian Action Group for Peace, a global network of Rotarians working together to advance peace and prevent wars throughout the world.
  5. Learn about the important work of these peace groups: Peace Direct, Alliance for Peacebuilding, Peace and Collaborative Development Network, Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation, Institute for Economics and Peace.
  6. Sign up for Rotary Peace Centers’ newsletter and like us on Facebook.
  7. Share photos of, or thoughts about, your peace work and your plan for commemorating Peace Day on the Rotary Peace Centers Facebook page; use hashtags #Peaceday and #Rotarypeace. 
  8. Encourage your district to become a Rotary Peacebuilder District. Email Rotary Peace Centers staff  to learn how your district can support future peace leaders.
  9. Sign up for the 2015 Peace Symposium in São Paulo and hear about the inspiring work being carried out by former peace fellows around the world.
  10. Donate to Rotary Peace Centers and empower those who are leading peace-building efforts.
In the early days of Rotary, founder Paul Harris said: “The road to war is well paved; the road to peace is a wilderness.” Rotary’s commitment to world understanding and peace has been a cornerstone of Rotary since those early days. 
To achieve peace in the world, we need more peace-builders, and the Rotary Peace Centers program is dedicated to providing them.
It's Rotary Peace Day on 21/9 2014-09-12 00:00:00Z 0
RC Woden Daybreak and Canberra Cavalry support the Polio fight 2014-09-12 00:00:00Z 0

Take an Award Winning Photo and Save a Child's Life

Santa Fe Photographic Workshop provides world class photo workshops in Santa Fe, New Mexico and around the world. SFPW is sponsoring a photo contest "The Waters of Your World". If you are a photographer go to and send in your best water photo. You may win one of their wonderful prizes but you will also be helping Artists of the World and Rotary.
Take an Award Winning Photo and Save a Child's Life 2014-09-12 00:00:00Z 0

National Model United Nations Assembly A Great Success

Posted by pnh
The National Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA), conducted over the weekend of 15-17 August by the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise was again a great success.  Twenty four teams (64 Year 10-12 students) from as far North as Tweed Heads and as far South as Tasmania, congregated in Canberra for a weekend of spirited debate on six current world issues including Ukraine territorial integrity, the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic and return and restitution of cultural property to the country of origin.  Each team had been allocated a country to represent, and each had clearly researched their country's position on the resolutions in the lead up to the event.  Some had taken the opportunity to visit their country's embassy or consulate to gain a further insight into the resolutions.
It wasn’t all hard debate though – students were privileged to visit Government House, touring both the ground floor and the grounds, and were treated to a gala dinner at Bruce Hall, ANU, where they heard Anthony Regan speak on some of the UN’s successes in our own region (specifically East Timor and Bougainville). Thanks go to our major sponsor, the Australian national University; to Rotaract, which helped man the debating sessions; and Rostrum, which supported the adjudication process.
MUNA aims to increase the students’ sense of international understanding and goodwill, which is one of the primary goals of Rotary International.  Rotary believes that it is through our youth that hopefully we can look forward to increased world peace. It was first introduced to Rotary in Australia at Lake Cargelligo, NSW in 1980 and the concept was then passed on to the Forbes Rotary Club in 1984. Since then, MUNA has spread throughout most districts of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.  In 1989, the then President of Rotary International, Royce Abbey, placed MUNA on the World Youth Activities Committee Agenda for Rotary and similar sessions are now held in many countries.
Cuba - winners of the First Debating Prize
National Model United Nations Assembly A Great Success pnh 2014-08-20 00:00:00Z 0

RCCS Welcomes our new Youth Exchange student

RC Canberra Sunrise is pleased to welcome our new Youth Exchange programme student. Palmyre comes from Lille, France and will be with us for a year, learning about Australia and life in Canberra.
RCCS Welcomes our new Youth Exchange student 2014-08-10 00:00:00Z 0

RC Canberra Sunrise Welcomes DG Rowley Tompsett

RC Canberra Sunrise were proud to welcome District 9710 Governor Rowley Tompsett and Denise Tompsett to the Breakfast meeting on 31 July. Against the sparkling backdrop of a Canberra winter morning, we were pleased to introduce Rowley and AG Hugh Boulter to some of the work of the Club and hear in return about the District priorities and initiatives for the coming Rotary year.
RC Canberra Sunrise Welcomes DG Rowley Tompsett 2014-08-03 00:00:00Z 0

RC Canberra Sunrise starts a new year

RC Canberra Sunrise welcomed in a new Rotary year and leadership team at a lunchtime function on Sunday 20 July. Following outgoing President Bruce Osborn's report on a challenging but successful year, Past District Governor Maureen Manning inducted incoming Club President Peter McDermott, who introduced the new Board and management team to the Club.
In addition, the Club recognised the outstanding service of Peter Hill and PP Bruce Osborn with the ward of Paul Harris Fellows; the Club received the District International Service trophy for its support of the Interact Club of Telopea Park School in its work building the school complex at Port Resolution; and Rosemary Everett was recognised as  Level 4 Paul Harris Fellow.
RC Canberra Sunrise starts a new year 2014-07-21 00:00:00Z 0

You Too Can Help Improve The Health of All Australians

Lynne Duckham has been recognised as a Companion in Australian Rotary Health.  District 9710 representative for Australian Rotary Health, Rosemary Everett, is seen presenting the Certificate to Lynne at a recent club meeting.  This award was made to mark Lynne’s work in helping people lead healthier lives, particularly during the recent illness of a member of the Fellowship of International Flying Rotarians during and after the Rotary International Convention last month.
This award marks a financial contribution to Australian Rotary Health by the International Fellowship as a thank you to Lynne for her ongoing work in many areas of Rotary – at the local, national and international level.
Donations to Australian Rotary Health are recognised by the level of the donation:
The Friendship program is for individuals and ranges from $100 as a Friend to $2,500 as a Diamond Friend.  Companions can be individuals, a club or corporation and ranges from $5,000 as a Companion to $100,000 as a Diamond Companion.
Well done Lynne
You Too Can Help Improve The Health of All Australians Peter Hill 2014-07-20 00:00:00Z 0

Follow National MUNA On Facebook

This year the Club has been very fortunate to have a volunteer (MUNA Alumni and IT specialist Jessica Eustace) support Garth and I in developing and managing the MUNA social media program for MUNA.  The MUNA Facebook page ( is our primary tool once again.  This year we have sought out some MUNA alumni to tell a little about what MUNA meant for them and how it has helped shape their lives.  Our first two alumni stories have been posted.  We also have teams starting to introduce themselves. We anticipate the page will provide not only a good commentary on what is happening in the leadup to, and during, the MUNA event, but will also be a lot of fun.
If you are a Facebook user, we encourage you to check out the MUNA page periodically.  
Follow National MUNA On Facebook Peter Hill 2014-07-17 00:00:00Z 0

History of Rotaract - request for help

Travis Holland from the Rotaract Club of Southern Highlands, and the district Social Media co-ordinator, is trying to gather up information about the history of Rotaract in District 9710 (and its geographic predecessors). He is asking clubs assistance in tracking down any information. If you are able to assist Travis please contact him read on for more details).
History of Rotaract - request for help 2014-07-09 00:00:00Z 0

RCCS and Interact Club of Telopea Park District International Service Awards

At the recent D9710 District Changeover function, the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise was presented with the District International Service (a perpetual trophy) award for its work in supporting the Interact Club of Telopea Park’s work in building the school complex at Port Resolution.  Rosemary Everett collected the trophy on behalf of the Club.   
Another trophy was presented to the Interact Club of Telopea Park as recognition for the fantastic work of the Interact Club in fundraising and involvement in the project. The District will arrange for presentation to the Interact Club.
The recognition of RCCS and the Interact Club of Telopea Park is shared by many individuals, from both Rotary and Interact.  Without detracting from the efforts of all involved, the leadership of RCCS member Susan Alexander throughout the seven years or so of challenges and achievements and highs and lows of the project, was a significant factor in the wonderful outcomes delivered by the project.  
RCCS and Interact Club of Telopea Park District International Service Awards Peter Hill 2014-07-08 00:00:00Z 0

Welcome Back

The Club was very pleased this week to re-induct two previous members of the Canberra Sunrise - Anna Boots and Barbara Campbell.  Both have previously been members of the Club for around ten years and have provided great service.  It was wonderful to welcome them back.
Welcome Back Peter Hill 2014-05-23 00:00:00Z 0
Polio Eradication in the news 2014-05-19 00:00:00Z 0

Club Visit to Telopea Park School

Posted on May 16, 2014
Members visited Telopea Park School for the Club meeting on 15th May.  The Telopea Park Interact Club hosted the Club and put on a wonderful breakfast, complete with barista coffee, with the meal showcasing the cooking talents of many of the students. 
Guest speaker for the meeting was Esther Davies, School Archivist, who provided an entertaining talk on the many years effort on tracking down the artist and story associated with the large painting that has been in the school for many years, and also the work involved in the recent restoration of the painting. This very large (approximately 5m long x 2.3m high) artwork was painted by post war refugees Werner (Verners) Linde (1895-1970) and his son Girt (Giris) Linde for the Arts and Crafts exhibition at the First Australian Citizenship Convention in Canberra in January, 1950. At the time he was forced to flee Europe after the war, Verners Linde was a Latvian artist and newspaper cartoonist of considerable standing who had trained at the School of Art and Design at the Stieglitz Palace in St. Petersburg.
Club Visit to Telopea Park School Peter Hill 2014-05-16 00:00:00Z 0

Special promotion - District Conference, Canberra 14-15 November 2014

Posted by Garth Britton on Mar 09, 2014

At this year’s Conference we will join with Rotarians from neighbouring District 9675 (south Sydney) We hope to have about 800 Rotarians, partners and friends at the National Convention Centre in Canberra to celebrate the theme Our youth, Our future and showcase some of Rotary’s youth programs.

To make it easy for you to attend, the Conference website is up early and you can lodge an early expression of interest. By paying your deposit of $100 before 30 June 2014, you could win your entire Conference Fee (including the two dinners) absolutely free.

Special promotion - District Conference, Canberra 14-15 November 2014 Garth Britton 2014-03-09 00:00:00Z 0

Mental health and the Royal Flying Doctor Service

Posted on Mar 09, 2014

Lynne Henderson, a mental health nurse with the royal Flying Doctor Service based in Alice Springs spoke at the last club meeting about the challenges and satisfactions of providing mental health support across a vast territory. And, as a Rotarian, she also presented the Club with a banner from her home club , RC Stuart-Alice Springs.


Mental health and the Royal Flying Doctor Service Garth Britton 2014-03-09 00:00:00Z 0

Trivia Night Success - Supporting Boundless 'All-Abilities' Playground Project

Posted on Mar 01, 2014

The Club conducted a Trivia Night on 28th February at the National Press Club of Australia, with approximately 170 people attending.  The event was generously supported by many sponsors, with some wonderful trivia table prizes, raffle prizes and silent auction items.  Andrea Ho, from 666 ABC, did a wonderful job as compere for the evening, providing detailed background on many of the answers, as well as advertising Rotary and Rotaract throughout the evening.  The evening raised $5,350 for the Boundless Canberra all-abilities playground, which was a fantastic effort.  Special thanks to the organising team, Peter Hill, Jill Bailey, Sue Bury, Cathy Bryson and Lynne Duckham and to other club members who helped in the lead up, or on the evening itself.



Trivia Night Success - Supporting Boundless 'All-Abilities' Playground Project Peter Hill 2014-03-01 00:00:00Z 0

Returned Rotary Exchange Student Amel Saeed Speaks of Experiences

Posted on Feb 06, 2014

Recently returned outward Rotary Exchange student, Amel Saeed, provided the Club with an entertaining presentation on her Rotary Exchange to Belgium at the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise breakfast meeting on 6th February.  Amel spoke of the generosity of host families and Rotary Clubs and Districts, and of some of the cultural and developmental benefits and challenges of her visit.  She mentioned that she had also learnt the value of networking through the exchange, and of the many very good friends she has made.  Amel was recognised as the outstanding exchange student in District 2170, which is an achievement she is rightly very proud of.  

Returned Rotary Exchange Student Amel Saeed Speaks of Experiences Peter Hill 2014-02-06 00:00:00Z 0

New Venue Well Received

Posted on Feb 06, 2014

Members of the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise are now enjoying one of the best views in Canberra for their Club breakfast meetings.  Due to renovations occurring at the Kurrajong Hotel the Club undertook an extensive search for a new home, and opted for The Deck at Regatta Point, overlooking Lake Burley Griffin.  While the move of venue and meeting day has not suited all members, it is proving overall to be very popular.  Many Club members have fond memories of the venue, as it was the Club's home for a number of years.  

New Venue Well Received Peter Hill 2014-02-06 00:00:00Z 0

2012-13 Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation Annual Report available

Posted by Garth Britton on Jan 27, 2014

A great deal has happened in the Rotary world in the past year. RI President John Hewko writes:

"We launched a bold new chapter in our partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that makes your contributions to the vital polio eradication end game work three times as hard.

We also finished preparing for the global launch of our new grant model, boosting our ability to help more communities secure and sustain a better quality of life. And we carried out our first projects with Mercy Ships, while building on our work with Aga Khan University, UNESCO-IHE, the Rotary Peace Centers, and other partners.

In addition, The Rotary Foundation earned top marks from several independent charity evaluators, including the American Institiute of Philanthropy, Charity Navigator, and the Wise Giving Alliance."

Read the reports here.

2012-13 Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation Annual Report available Garth Britton 2014-01-27 00:00:00Z 0
The Story of the Port Resolution project - Australian Students Supporting Students In Vanuatu Garth Britton 2014-01-10 00:00:00Z 0

Introducing Mercy Ships Australia

Posted by Garth Britton on Dec 15, 2013

UPDATE: Mercy Ships was the subject of an SBS documentary recently - to view it, click here

Mercy Ships is a Rotary Foundation Strategic Partner building local capacity through training opportunities for health care professionals and providing surgical and other medical interventions to those in need. Read all about it here.


Introducing Mercy Ships Australia Garth Britton 2013-12-15 00:00:00Z 0

The New School and Community Library at Port Resolution is opened

Posted by Garth Britton on Nov 24, 2013

After years of dedication and commitment by Susan Alexander, the Interact Club of Telopea Park, supported by Telopea Park School and students and Rotarians all over Australia and Vanuatu, the new school and Community Library was officially opened on 13 November.

The Government of Vanuatu sent a thankyou note:

"Thankyou Rotary for all this partnership effort and your continous support to Education in Vanuatu. This is yet another mile stone. Many thanks to Susan Alexander for all your energy and hard work to getting this school to the stage where it is. The current children and those to follow will now have a higher opportunity to learn better in a better environment. All those comes for the support provide by Rotary and the community.


I also take this opportunity to thank the 3rd PA and the Secretary to the Minister for participating in this very important occassion not only for Port Resolution but education in Tafea as a whole. I thank also each and everyone, PEO Tafea staff and all that contibute to the occassion or help in oneway or another."

Some of the photos are shown below - see them all here.



The New School and Community Library at Port Resolution is opened Garth Britton 2013-11-24 00:00:00Z 0

Books donated by Telopea Park School students journey to Vanuatu

Posted by Garth Britton on Nov 14, 2013

Last Saturday a party of 6 led by RC Canberra Sunrise member Susan Alexander departed Australia to attend the opening of the new school hall, kitchen and library at the Port Resolution School on Tanna Is. Vanuatu. With them travelled some very precious cargo that cost $2,632 in excess luggage! The 15 white and 2 brown boxes contained books for the new library, all collected and packed by the students from Telopea Park School in Canberra. Every leg of the journey these books travelled was a challenge. To everyone's amazement they all arrived and have been unpacked and arranged on the shelves by the senior girls at the school.


More news about the opening on 13/11 follows!



Books donated by Telopea Park School students journey to Vanuatu Garth Britton 2013-11-14 00:00:00Z 0

Dr Brendan Nelson visits RC Canberra Sunrise

Posted by Garth Britton on Nov 14, 2013

On 6/11, RC Canberra Sunrise was honoured by the visit of Dr Brendan Nelson, Director of the Australian War Memorial and former Minister and Leader of the Opposition.

Dr Nelson spoke movingly of the meaning on the Australian War Memorial and its role in modern Australian Society. You can hear the full speech here.


Dr Brendan Nelson visits RC Canberra Sunrise Garth Britton 2013-11-14 00:00:00Z 0

Can Rotary End Polio?

Posted by Garth Britton on Jun 05, 2013

"There's been an amazing organisation that's been behind this.... It was due to Rotary that the campaign was started" - Bill Gates, 28 May 2013 at the National Press Club.

For the full story, see the Latest News at Rotary Down Under

Can Rotary End Polio? Garth Britton 2013-06-05 00:00:00Z 0