While Club members enjoyed a short break over Christmas, our community focus and activities is again ramping up. 
  • A small team has been working tirelessly collecting and boxing books being disposed of by local schools to be sent to PNG schools and libraries under the Buk bilong  Pikinini project.  
  • Preparations are underway to run BBQs in support of Dementia Australia and Epilepsy ACT over the next month.
  • Collection of bras during March as part of the Uplift project - https://www.facebook.com/Upliftbras-256120021076757/ for distribution to women in need (managed by our Sundowners satellite club).
  • Supporting packing of Kindness Conquers All (https://www.facebook.com/kindnessconquersall/) kits to support Canberra's disadvantaged and homeless  (our Sundowners satellite club).
  • Planning is underway for our annual Trivia Night (31 May).
  • Planning is underway for our annual national Model United Nations Assembly weekend in August.
If you are community minded and would like to contribute back to the community, come and check us out.  We would love to give you an insight into the world-wide Rotary community service organisation.